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Madison walked downstairs and saw Mia sitting there. Her cousin had a grin on her face. "Where the hell were you this weekend?" She asked.

Mia smiled. "Jack took me to Blackpool for the weekend. Didn't see much other than his cock. But I was happy," she told her.

Madison rolled her eyes. "So you both went away for a weekend of sex?" She asked.

"Yes. Obviously we did more than sex. We went for dinner. But it was nice," Mia said as she looked at her.

"Good. I'm glad you're happy. You shouldn't listen to what Sean has said," Madison said as she hugged her.

Mia grinned. "How's it going with you and Kush?" She asked.

"It's going good. I'm shocked that he's willing to step up and raise the baby with me. Not many men would do that," she told her.

"He's a good guy. Jack would too... but he's mine so hands off," Mia teased.

The two cousins went into the square. Kush was on his market stall. Madison smiled as she kissed him. "I've missed you."

"I only saw you yesterday. But I've missed you too. I see your wandering cousin came back," he said as he hugged Mia.

Madison loved how close Mia and Kush were. She smiled. "She was away with Jack...dirty weekend in Blackpool," she said.

Kush laughed at her. He kissed Madison and placed a hand on the baby bump. "I can't wait to meet this little one."

"Aw cute. Madi... you got a good one there babes. Don't let him run off. Never know who might get their claws into him," Mia said as she walked off.

Kush looked to Madison and smiled. "I'll see you later. Don't cause too much trouble though."

"Would I?"


Madison was sitting in the club with Mia. Jack handed them both a drink. Only he gave Madison a lemonade knowing she was pregnant. Jack smiled. "Do you know what you're having yet?" He asked.

"Yeah it's a little girl. She's literally going to be a trouble maker like me," Madison said as she rubbed her bump. She couldn't wait to meet her little girl. She grinned. "When are you two having a baby? My baby needs a cousin to play with."

Mia rolled her eyes. "Not yet. That's for sure. I'm enjoying the uninterrupted sex."

Madison went back home. She saw Kat sitting there with Tommy and the twins. "Is everything okay mum?" She asked as she looked at her.

Kat nodded. "The boys were wanting to know where Alfie has gone again. So I was just telling them that he will come back soon. He just needs a little holiday," Kat said.

Madison knew Kat had been lying about Alfie being back. She didn't want the boys to get their hopes up about him sticking around. Madison knew Alfie was in the square. But he was staying somewhere else.

Madison knew that everything was about to change. But she didn't know if she could handle it all.

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