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Madison woke up and groaned to herself hungover as she sat in bed. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed as kat walked in. She looked to her daughter and sighed as she handed Madison a coffee and smiled as she lay next to her in bed "how you feeling?" Kat asked as Madison looked to her and chuckled "like an idiot" Madison said as kat looked to her and smiled. She knew Madison was fighting demons and hiding what had happened to her but she knew that she wanted to be a good mum and be here for her daughter "well it will tease you not to drink my stock, if you weren't struggling bad then I would kick your arse" kat said as Madison looked to her and chuckled "it wouldn't be the first time" "we'll dint be a brat" "I take after my mother what can I say" Madison said as the two slaters looked to each other and chucked.

"Look I know I haven't been the best mum and I haven't been there for you but I promise you that from now on I am here for you, and I am going to protect you and won't let anything bad happen to you" kat said as Madison looked to her and smiled "don't say that, your a great mum and your the best that I could ask for" Madison said as kat looked to her and smiled as Madison hugged her and smiled as Alfie walked into the doorway of the bedroom and smiled "I made breakfast, are my girls hungry" he asked "sure" Madison said as they stood from the bed and walked to the kitchen.


Later that day, Madison sat hiding away in flat above the vic. She looked to her phone and sighed as she saw the missed calls that she had off of kush. She was avoiding him since she had got drunk in front of him and acted like an idiot. Madison looked to see Mia who was calling her and through her phone down on the side, not wanting to talk to anyone "now that was rude" Mia said as she stood in the doorway. Madison turned to face her cousin and smiled as Mia walked in and sat next to her and smiled "I know that there is something going on with you and I want you to know I'm here and kush is asking after you" Mia said as Madison looked to her and smiled.

"What's going on with two?" Mia asked as Madison sighed "I like him, I like him a lot but I don't think that he likes me and I don't want to be hurt again" Maddison said as Mia looked to her and smiled "don't be silly, he would be stupid not to like you. Madison, you are beautiful and amazing and let's me honest. Kush would be lucky to have you, He would be punishing above his weight with you but that doesn't matter as you two would be so cute together" Mia said as Madison looked to her and smiled.


Later Madison stood walking through the square and smiled as she saw kush "how are you?" He asked as Madison brushed her hair out of her face and looked to him and smiled "I'm okay, I have to go" she said as she went to walk off as he walked after her and caught up to her and grabbed her arm and looked to her and smiled "you don't need to run from me, I know there is something going on with you and it's okay. You can talk to me. I care about you" kush said as Madison looked to him and frowned "you do?" She asked as he nodded "I do" he said as he leant in and kissed her. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she pulled in close as she kissed him back; but could she open up her heart to him?

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