All I Want

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Chapter 35


"This is the problem with getting attached to someone. When they leave you, you just feel lost."

Why was I watching sappy, romance movies? I don't know. Maybe it distracted me from my own problems. It's been a month since I've avoided my problems  

a month since I've seen Zayn.

What if a month turned into a year again? Except, it's me running away. I have to stop cowarding away from my problems, its become a bad habit of mine. I don't know how I'll gain up enough courage and confidence to talk to him. To be honest, I still get slightly intimidated by Zayn.

Sometimes I wish that nothing went wrong in the first place, so we didn't have to go through this obstacle course.

After the first movie I watched, I began to search for another movie to watch. As I scanned through the list of the romance genre of Netflix, I couldn't help but feel upset that I've seen most of them already.

You know what? I'll talk to him. I decided. I'll talk to him.

It's time that I stop running away from my problems. I can't keep doing this.

I checked my phone to see what time it was. It's almost three-thirty. He should be at his apartment still, right?


I was here. I was here at his doorstep.

What do I say? Will he even let me speak or is he going to slam the door on my face. Man up, I scowled at myself. Just knock on the door. Everything will be fine. Just knock.  I kept repeating those exact words to myself.

I lightly hit the white door with my fist. I was hoping that he wouldn't be able to hear the knocks, or he isn't present, so I can just turn around and forget about this stupid decision.

Unfornately, the door swung open. I held in my breath and looked up.

"Saige," Perrie coldly greeted. I sent her a tight-lipped smile.

"Is Zayn here, by any chance?" I asked. I felt my hands shaking. I haven't been this nervous since I had to do a presentation in the seventh grade. Perrie looked me up and down and stared at me for a minute.

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora