Your Words, My Mouth

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Chapter 18


Harry's kiss was soft and slow... That was the only way to describe it. It felt foreign feeling someone else's lips onto mine. I haven't kissed someone since Zayn. "Harry..." I murmured. He continued to pull me closer by my waist and kiss me softly. The kiss was just a kiss. Nothing more. I didn't feel butterflies erupt in my stomach nor did I feel anything at all. It was just a kiss.


We broke the kiss and stared towards the door. I slowly pulled away from Harry's grasp. "Harry, what if that was Zayn?" My voice quivered. Harry held my face into his hands. "Don't worry. You want to move on, right?"  Harry kissed my forehead. "I promise I'll treat you better than he did."

My heart slightly fluttered at his words, but it faltered. The only person who I could think of right now was Zayn. You need to move on, A voice in my head kept telling me. I can't forget about the first person who stole my heart and kept it with him.

"Harry, I should go." I mumbled, walking past him. Once I left the room, I found Zayn sitting down with his head buried in his hands. He looked up hesitantly at me.

"Can--Can I ask you something?" His voice was hoarse. I motioned for him to proceed. "Do... Do you still love me?" My heart felt as if it was about to stop beating at any time now. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Zayn held my hands into his large ones. "Saige, please." His voice cracked. "Just tell me you love me..." He cried. I love you. "Zayn," I shook my head. "Please, please say those three words." He begged. "I can't." I said softly. "Why?" Zayn had confusion written in his eyes.

"Why can't you tell me you love me?" It took me so much courage to look him directly in the eyed and say, "Your the best thing that's ever happened to me," Wait for it... "but I just don't feel it anymore."

Zayn's eyes widened before he dropped my hands. "I don't want to hurt you, I've already made my decision." I said. "Okay," He sighed, heavily. "Zayn-" "It's okay, Saige. I understand." He forced out a smile. And at that moment I swear, He was broken.

(A/N) Sorry for another short chapter. :(, but I needed to get this out of the way before I write the longer one. Don't worry! The next chapter will be up within 3-5 days.

Your guys' feedback means sooooo much to me! I love you so much. I just can't explain your love, it's better than words ;)

Dedicated to ChocolateCovered , because she encourages me to keep writing and I just love her so much. :)

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now