Angel Wing Shaped Locket

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Chapter 14


I've been tossing and turning these pasy few nights. I haven't gotten enough sleep either. Saige is killing me. Literally.

"I still love the guy that doesn't love me back."

I always find myself thinking about our conversation. I feel really guilty. I know I left her with a broken heart,  but it shouldn't be me to fix it. I just know she won't let me back in. It's going to take more than a 'sorry' and a little handshake to make everything better.

I want to make her feel happy again, just not with me. Let's just hope none of us fall for each other...again.

My hand shook as I reached out for my phone. It rang, making me jump. "Damn." I breathed. I flipped my phone over, my eyes reading Saige.

My eyes widened. I quickly tapped answer and bombarded her with multiple ''hello's''.

"Hi." I could hear a faint laugh. Hearing her laugh made me smile.


Saige's face turned as red as a cherry when I gave her a peck on the cheek. She attempted to hide her crimson cheeks with her hair. I brushed them out of her face. "I love that I have that effect on you." I smirked. "Stop." She squeaked as she laid her head on my chest.

"Zayn?" "Yes?" Saige's head lifted up from my chest. "Why do you love me?" She looked me in the eyes. "Your laugh and smile drives me crazy. I love every single one of your flaws and mistakes. I love that you always blush when I hold your hand like this. I love that you don't care what people say.  I love you because your you. I couldn't have asked for a better person than you." I breathed.

-End of-

Reminiscing that memory made my heart ache. I truly do miss holding Saige in my arms and covering her with little kisses all over her cheeks. I miss her. I miss us.

"Zayn?" Her voice sliced through my thoughts. "Uh--yeah?" I snapped back to reality. "Did you hear what I said." I shook my head 'no' even though she couldn't see me. "No..." My voice came out hoarse. "Oh, I just wanted to say that I was sorry for snapping at you last time." She said lightly. "O--Oh it's fine." Why do I keep stuttering? She's making me feel nervous again.

"Alright. So, I guess I'll see you around." Her voice sounded sad. "Wait, Saige. I was also kind of a jerk to you." I mumbled, unable to get the words out of my mouth. "It's okay. No harm done right?" She humorlessly laughed. "No, I mean that I want to make it up to you." I gulped. "I--I don't know if that's a good idea." Her voice became shaky. Everytime I try to take her out, she always comes up with lame excuses.

"Is something bothering you, Saige?" "N--No. It's nothing to worry about." She steadied her voice. "Just, please let me make it up to you. I want to be friends again." "I gotta go." I could picture her biting her lip while saying this. "Saige, wait-" That was when she hung up.

I groaned in frustration. This is going to be a lot harder then I thought. How do I make her open up to me again? Will she give me another shot to be friends? She has to. After all, she is still in love with me right?

I groaned, pulling at my hair. I'll just make her hang out with me  Whether she likes it or not.

I hesitantly knocked onto the door. This plan isn't going to work. I mentally facepalmed myself. The door creaked open. "Zayn?" Saige's eyes held dissapointment. "What are you doing here?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm taking you out." I modestly said. Saige scoffed. "I told you I didn't want to."

I sighed. "Give me one good reason why you don't want to hang out with me." "I--It's just not a good idea." She stammered. Now it was my turn to scoff. I lifted her over my shoulder. "Zayn! You bastard! I told you I didn't want to go!" She whined. "Alison! Alison, help me!" Saige yelped.

"Zayn goddamn Malik, you put her down this instant!" I turned around seeing Saige's best friend, Alison, pointing her index finger at me. "Hey, Ali. Haven't seen you in a while, huh?" I waved. "Don't call me Ali!" She screamed. "Friends and family only call me that." I rolled my eyes. "I'll be borrowing Saige here for a while."

I ignored Alison's calls and set Saige onto the passenger seat. Once I got seated in the car, I looked at Saige. "I hate you." She growled. "Didn't seem like that last time." I smirked. Her cheeks grew red.  "I don't mean everything I say." Saige retorted. "Oh, so you don't hate me?" My smirk was still glued onto my face. "Shut up." She muttered.

"Zaaaaayn." Saige whined. "What?" I grew annoyed. "Where are we going?" She asked for the billionth time. "Even though your kind of annoying right now, I'm still not telling you." I replied. "But Zayn!" She growled. "We've been stuck in this car for an hour." She over exaggerated. "It's only been fifteen minutes." I rose an eyebrow. "It feels longer." Saige rolled her eyes.

I was quite nervous to take Saige to the place. I'm not sure if she'll be happy or not.

Finally, Saige became quiet. "Saige?" I called. I looked to my side, seeing her sleep peacefully. Her dark brown hair fell into her face. I had an urge to push it out of her face, but I knew she would kill me if I touched her. Soft snores filled up the car. I smiled as I watched her chest rise and fall.

I looked at the silver necklace around her neck. It looks familiar. I thought. I pulled the car over and reached over to Saige's side. I looked at the angel wing shaped locket. I opened it, seeing a few words carved into it.

"You're my angel." 10-10-11 forever.

I smiled while staring at the locket. I remember giving this to her on her seventeenth birthday. The look on her face that day showed that she was happy. Now, it seemed like all the color has drained from her face and that there was no trace of happiness left in her eyes.

Had I really broke her? Did I cause her so much pain?

"Zayn?" Siage awoke. "Oh...uh, yeah?" I suddenly felt nervous. "Why did we stop?" She palmed at her eyes. "I--I had to go, uh. Check the tires." I struggled with my words. "Are you okay?" Saige furrowed her eyebrows. Damn you, stuttering.

"Y--Yeah. Why?" I gulped. "You were stuttering a lot. Just curious." I nodded my head.  "So...Where are we going?" Saige looked around. "Oh um, the place is just down the street. Do you mind if we walk?" "Nope." She popped the 'p'.

I opened the door and quickly jogged to her side, seeing that she opened the door herself. "You could've let me opened the door for you, you know?" I rose an eyebrow while smirking.

"And he's back to normal." Saige playfully rolled her eyes while laughing. "It's fine. It's not like this is a date or anything." I looked over to her. "I--I mean, it would be wrong if y--you went on a d--date with me while your with Perrie." I chuckled at her.

"Look whose stuttering now." I smiled. "Shut up." Saige muttered while looking down at her feet.

"Let's go." I held her hand, only for her to pull away right away. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Lets go." She repeated me. "Okay." I sighed.

I led her towards the now abandoned amusement park. I lit up the whole place, so we could see.

"So?" I waited for her reaction. Her eyes were filled with confusion and anger. "Why'd you take me here?"

(A/N) This took me a while to write....I have nothing to say sooo...leave feedback!

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu