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I stared at my parents in disbelief. I cleaned my ears incase I've misheard them

"Come again?!" I screeched, not believing what I'm hearing.

"You'll be going to your grandma over the summer."

"But I'm going to New York! Not to some... ghost town province!!" My outburst didn't seem to faze my parents, it usually works.

"Whether you like it or not jennie, you're going to your grandmas. End of discussion." My mouth dropped.

"No. I refuse to go." I stubbornly crossed my arms and sit back down to the single sofa and held my chin up.

"Fine! You won't go? Then don't bother going off to a different state for your college then." I gasped and my eyes widened.

"What?! That's not fair! You can't do that!!" mom flipped her hair and I scoffed

"Watch me." She sneered.

"Daaad!" I whined and turned to my father who raised his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry honey, your mom made up her mind and it is your punishment for sneaking out last night."

"It's not even the first time." I grumbled but your mom's hearing is heightened.

"That's it! Pack your things and ready to fly tomorrow!" For the second time, my jaw dropped

"But tomorrow's beach day with my friends!!" This can't be happening!!

"Fun's over for you. I believe you've had enough fun over the last nights you've sneaked out." I groaned and calmed myself, forming a plan to sneak out later.

"Oh, and try sneaking out tomorrow, I'll confiscate your car. You can't use it for college." They're really clipping my wings!

I wanted yell and curse but I know it will do more damage. Mom doesn't say empty threats afterall.

"Hurry up, you still have things to pack. I already rescheduled your flight. You will be out of here first thing tomorrow." I stomped all the way to my room, making sure to stomp so hard that it echoes as I go up to the grand staircase of my family's mansion.

I laid on my bed but soon made a move to pack my clothes. As much as I didn't want to, if mom checks and I still haven't packed, she'll do the honors and pack me the ugliest clothes who knows where she got since I don't have such thing as ugly on my wardrobe.

I laid down after packing and called my friends to tell them my predicament. They gave their sympathies and even offered to not proceed with the plans we had but I insisted they should, not wanting them to be as miserable as me.

I closed my eyes and images of a barn and old people flashed through, making me punch and kick the air in protest. Just the thought of spending the whole fucking summer there infuriates me.

I just wish tomorrow won't come.

✔ The Farmer who Changed Me 🍀Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu