Chapter 10

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~Rosella's POV~

The time passed by quickly as Miss Rose told us stories of how Her and Her Husband met up to the day they got married and got kids. I smiled as I looked at her happily talking about her story. It was very evident that she loved and enjoyed telling her story.

But once she stopped and her expression became sad. It made me flustered and confused as to what the reason she might have changed her expression. She then sighed and looked at Nate and I.

"Is something wrong, Miss Rose?" I asked as I noticed tears threatening to escape from her eyes. But I saw how she tried to fight them. It made me frown. How she tried to stop her tears from falling. I went towards her and gave her a hug. I felt her got surprised as I hugged her. "Miss Rose, You can let it all out." I whispered at the old lady who was now crying on my arms.

It might seem like its a guy's thing to actually do this. And it was supposed to be the girl crying in his arms. But for me, I want to comfort Miss Rose. It felt like she was actually asking for a hug, like she wanted someone to embrace her and comfort her. I just stayed quiet and let her cry all her tears. She then stopped. Miss Rose lifted her head up and smiled at me.

"Thank you, Dear Princess." Miss Rose said as she lets go of the hug. I smiled at her and looked at her. "It's nothing, really Miss Rose." I answered and sat there as she turned to Nate. Who is actually looking at me.

Our eyes met. It somehow made me feel uneasy. It was as if his stare meant something. I avoided eye contact and turned to Miss Rose. She had a smile on her face, which made me relaxed.

"Now, now. How about we go eat some dinner?" Miss Rose said as she stood up and went behind the counter. I turned to Nate and saw him still staring at me. I felt my cheeks heat up which made me avoid eye contact again. "Since it's already late. How about you two eat here for dinner?" Miss Rose asked. I nodded as I looked outside. It was indeed dark outside, Indicating its already late.

"Then, I shall cook dinner while you two should just stay here and make yourself comfortable." Miss Rose said as she walked in the door behind the counter. I sat down and looked at the beautiful and unique flowers in front of me.

I leaned closer to them and smelled one of them. I then saw a Rose, I went over to it and looked at it. It was the commonly known flower, since it is used to give to someone you love, or in other cases when it comes to congratulating someone. That is when they win a contest or such. I myself actually like Roses, It was one of my most favorite flowers. I smelled it and it made me smile as I recall the times my brothers would buy Mother Roses. It was our daily doing whenever it was Mother's birthday and When It was Mother and Father's wedding anniversary. I again start to miss them again.

I sighed as I stared at the Rose. Then suddenly I heard a voice ask. "You like Roses?". I turned around and noticed that it was Nate who asked the question. I raised an eyebrow at him, he then sighed and stood up and stood next to me.

"I asked, If you like Roses." He repeated as he looked at me. I glanced at him and saw him staring at me when I still wasn't answering. I avoided eye contact and turned back to the Roses.
"Are you avoiding me?" He asked, Which made me gulped. I felt my cheeks heat up, but I just shrugged it off.

"Yes." I answered and turned to him. He then raised his eyebrow as he looked at me. I sighed, "Yes, I like Roses." I continued his expression turned back to normal as he looked at me straight in the eyes. "And No." I answered. He then gave me another confused look.
"I am not avoiding you." I answered and his expression was still confused.

"You know that you almost had me having a heart attack for a moment there." He then said which made me now, raise an eyebrow at him. "Also, you should finish your sentence in one go. Not like what you did earlier." He said as he looked at me with a serious look. I just nodded which made him smile. For some reason I smiled back without even knowing it.

Then I heard a door open. "Dinner is ready, love birds." Miss Rose said as she looked at Nate and I with a grin on her face. I then felt my cheeks heat up. I looked down avoiding Nate's gaze. I then heard Nate clearing his throat.

"Then, shall we head to the dining room?" He asked as I felt his gaze on me. I just looked down and nodded. Not daring to say even a single word. I followed behind him as he went inside the door. I looked around and noticed that when you come in the door, the first thing is the living room. Then attached to that is a hallway where there are lots of doors. I guess they are bedrooms? or maybe the toilet or kitchen.

We then arrived at the dining room and there I saw Miss Rose placing the plates and food on the table. I stood there as I tried to examine the whole room.

There were pictures around the fridge, I looked closer and saw pictures of Miss Rose and her Husband together when I suppose was when they were young. They looked so happy with each other. then underneath that was a picture of them with a baby. I didn't know who they were but they seemed really happy and enjoying their time together. Then the last picture was just Miss Rose and her 2 Daughters and 2 sons. It made me saddened as I recalled that they were separated because of the law that the two Kingdoms made.

Which was the Law that the citizens of the Kingdom of Ravaryn and the Citizens of the Kingdom of Ellesmere must be separated from each other and they must go back to the Kingdom where they belong. It was a Law made because of the war that happened ages ago between the two Kingdoms, Kingdom of Ravaryn and Kingdom Of Ellesmere.

Now I understand and remember why these two couple aren't living together anymore. No wonder how they couldn't see each other ever again. It was because of that Law that my great great grandfather made. It was indeed a confusing law but It was very harsh. Specially for people like Miss Rose and her Husband.

I turned to her and saw her happily chatting with Nate as they prepared the dinner. I turned back to them. I walked towards them and looked at the dish that Miss Rose cooked.
"Now, Shall we eat dear?" Miss Rose said as she noticed me. I nodded and sat on one of the chairs. Nate and Miss Rose also did the same.

We sat there and started eating the delicious food Miss Rose has prepared. I took a bite and smiled as it was indeed tasty. Miss Rose then smiled as she had seen my expression. We continued eating in silence as we enjoyed the meal.

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