Chapter 8

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~Rosella's POV~

"Then should I not trust you too?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow. "I mean you are a stranger to me." I said and he placed his hand above my head and lightly patted it.

"I'm not just some stranger. I'm a trustworthy guy." He said with a smile and I suddenly felt him lean closer. Making me nervous and suddenly my heart started beating so fast. I closed my eyes and felt his lips on my forehead.

"Anyways, I'll see you later." He said as I slowly opened my eyes. He then turned his back to me and waved as he went to the direction of the street.

I felt my cheeks heat up as everything sinks in. 'Rosella, focus! You shouldn't think about that! First you have to do your promise and find Miss Rose! I'm sure he didn't mean anything by doing that... I'm sure... yeah...' I thought to myself as I glanced at his back.

I just shrugged it off and went to the direction of the street. I let out a deep sigh as I glanced at the crowd street. 'This is going to be a long day.' I said and walked towards the street as I blended in the crowd.

I looked around as I tried to find Miss Rose's shop. But as I was walking and exploring the street, everything still amazed me as there were kids running around, and other citizens that happily laughed with their friends and family.

I began to wonder if the Royal Family of Smiths are actually this happy. I wonder if they are carefree like their citizens. But just by remembering the responsibilities and duties of being a member of a Royal I believe it's barely even possible.

I wondered around as I continue to examine the place. It was a very joyful place I say, but I know that not all of the citizens here are actually having a joyful time. Like in our Kingdom...

I continued walking and felt that I bumped into someone. I looked at the person and he seems to be the same age as me. He was on top of me, which made me uncomfortable.

"Where is he?!" Someone shouted from the crowd. I looked at the guy and he looked panicked. I then felt him grab my arm as he stood up, and pulled me into one of the streets.

"Who-" I was asking when he suddenly covered my mouth with his hand. I looked at him confused, he just kept on glancing back on the main street like he is hiding from something.

A few seconds then he lets out a sigh of relief. I wonder if he is the person those guys were shouting about earlier. He then looked at me as I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked as I lift my hand and pointed at his hand on my mouth. "Oh... right, I'm sorry about that." He said as he removed his hand from my mouth. I looked at him as he had a shy look on his face.

"It's fine, anyways. Who are you?" I asked and he looked at me. "You look somewhat familiar, but I want to know. Who are you exactly?" I asked again and he lets out a sigh. He stayed quiet for awhile and stared at me, like he was actually examining me. It took him almost a minute before he spoke. 

"I guess you don't remember me at all. Huh?" He said making me more confused. I look at his face and tried to remember if I've seen it anywhere. But nothing, I couldn't remember at all...

"Excuse me. Have we actually met before?" I asked out of curiosity. He lets out a chuckle and looked back at me with a smile on his face.

"Yes we have... Rosella." He answered. But as he said my name it sent chills down my spine as I occur that I didn't even mention my name even once to this guy. I guess he did know me... But why can't I remember at all?

"What brings you here anyways?" He asked as we started walking around the streets. I looked at the other people around us. They didn't seem to know who he is at all. No one has even shouted his name even once as we walk around the streets of the town.

"Why would I tell you? I don't even know you. I don't even know your name." I said as I just kept on walking. "Also, why would you even want to know?" I asked and turn to him, who is actually looking at me.

"You haven't changed at all." He said ignoring my questions. I looked at him confused, as he continued to walk away.

"Excuse me?" I asked getting annoyed by him. Why did I even let him escort me to wherever? Ugh, nice going Rosella.

"Well, you're the same as before. Always asking too much questions, has a short temper and you're still you." He said and whispered the last part, which I barely even heard. "Anyways, my name is Jonathan." He said and gave me a smile.

"I see, is it alright to just say Nate?" I asked and I saw him smile. I wondered why he loves smiling. Is it because he lives in Ellesmere, which is the Kingdom that is full of smiles?

"Well, I guess you can call me that. I'll consider it as a new nickname." He said and we continued walking. Somewhat I felt comfortable around him. It was weird but I don't know why I liked the feeling of it.

"Anyways, I know the ways around here. And I also know every citizen here. So where are you heading to?" Nate asked as we kept on walking and talking around the town.

"Oh right... I almost forgot." I said and tried to recall the promise. "Do you perhaps know someone named Miss Rose around town?" I asked and he stopped and thought about something for a couple of seconds.

"There are actually three Miss Rose here in town." He answered making me stood there frozen. Three? THREE? I looked at him and let out a long sigh.

"How about... Has three kids and has a shop here around town?" I asked and looked back at him. He gave me a smile and pointed behind me. I looked at him with a confused look and he just turned around.

"I know where she is." He answered and now I had a smile on my face. I suddenly hugged him out of perplex. I felt him get shocked but I also got shocked at what I did after realizing it.

"I... Uh..." I said as embarrassment took over me. I avoided eye contact as I felt my cheeks heat up. "So, let's start going?" I asked and he nodded in response. We both walked our way towards the shop of Miss Rose.

The way there was very awkward... and uncomfortable. I mentally wanted to slap myself. But things would've been more awkward than it was already. So, I restrained myself from actually slapping myself without me even knowing, I just walked behind him as he led the way to Miss Rose's shop. It was a long and very awkward walk.                     

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