Moth man:

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The legend of Moth man originated in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Two couples were driving near an old power plant around midnight when they saw a creature that resembled some sort of flying man. It had the characteristics of a human, but the wings and flight speed of something supernatural. A newspaper article was published about the claims, and a litany of reported sightings and other supernatural activity followed for the next year. On December 15, 1967, the Silver Bridge collapsed, killing 46 people. After that, sightings of the Moth man ceased. While sightings have ended, the questions remain, was the Moth man trying to tell us something? Or was the Moth man to blame for the bridge's collapse?

Authors Note: What do you guys think? Was it to blame for the bridges collapse, or was he trying to give us a sign that something bad was going to happen? Answer in the comments!

Also that picture is an eye-witness sketch of the legendary Moth-man. And can you believe theres also a statue dedicated to it.

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