Ghost on the Balcony

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Now I think it's about high time that I tell you about something that happened to me, something maybe even slightly paranormal. Now I'm going to tell you, after my dad told me about this I was thoroughly freaked out. I was so freaked out that the same night my dad told me I couldn't sleep without jumping at every single noise. And it was winter as well so we had the wind, branches banging against our window, and we live in London as well so you can guess what it was like. I kid you not for like the next month I couldn't even be alone in a room without feeling like somebody was watching me. So fellow readers just wanted to give you a bit of backstory before I tell you this story because it is seriously creepy. Proceed with caution my friends. TazzyDevil13....

My mum heard a noise in the balcony. Yes I know what your thinking, the mop bucket could of fallen over or it could just be the wind. But it was way to heavy for that.

My mum is a very light sleeper, while my dad is the complete opposite. Honestly it was so long ago I don't know if my dad was when home even though it was (he had one of those job that require him to work irregular hours).

So my mum got up and what she saw literally, like, I can't even explain the amount of things that went through my head when my Dad told me this. My Mum saw a person on the balcony. And you might be thinking 'okay she lives on the ground floor maybe someone really needs a smoke'.

But I live on the second floor in a block of flats. And my balcony is one of those one's that over -hang a field. Don't know what I mean? Search it up. And yes it actually happened.

Luckily my Mum was smart enough not to engage and she called the police.

But do you know what the weird part is, although the police arrived really quickly, he was gone.

So yeah.

And if your curious, no it (whatever it was) never came back.

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