Possessed Table

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"My house was fraught with weird stuff happening when we first moved in. The kitchen table would move overnight 12 to 18 inches. My keys will disappear and show up in the weirdest places like my quilt trunk.

My son went into the basement and things came flying off the shelf at him. He also saw someone walking on our wraparound porch once but no one was there.

The most obvious one was a few years ago, twice this happened. I was sweeping the kitchen floor. The door to the porch started shaking uncontrollably. It was like someone was trying to open the door without turning the knob. Lasted about 15 seconds. Keep in mind this is a wraparound porch completely enclosed. I knew it was bad because my dogs, who will bark at a butterfly flying past the window, all looked up at the door and stepped back. Both times it happened I was doing the same thing about the same time at night.

By the way as a side note. I walked into the kitchen table one night while going to the bathroom. It was not the first time I walked into the kitchen table because it was moved. So I just said, "Please stop moving the kitchen table", and it never moved again."

Authors Note: Can you really just ask a ghost to stop scaring you and it'll listen? That's a bit freaky. 

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