Classically Creepy Cellar

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"I lived in an old farm house that was over 150 years old in the 1990's and at some point had been used as a headquarters for union troops in Northern Va. Lots of creepy shit happened there, but this is the shortest story I've got. The house had a stone cellar, divided into two rooms and it always made me uncomfortable going down there to get anything for my parents. One day I was asked to find some menial object that was in the cellar, and I knew it would be in the room with the boiler in it, the room that also had a dysfunctional light. So I made my way into the basement and low and behold the damn light wouldn't turn on, but the object I needed was within the frame of light reaching into the blackness of the room through the doorway. So I walked a few steps into the room, grabbed the object and randomly glanced around. In the corner of the room was a dark shadow about 6 ft in height, and humanoid in shape. No worries though, my dad kept his 6 ft tall John Wayne cutout in the basement, so that had to be it. I calmly turned to my left and nearly jumped out of my damn skin as I came face to face with John Wayne just inside the doorway and leaning against the wall. I spun on my heels and stared into an empty corner where the dark shadow had been only moments before, and sprinted my ass out of that cellar. I refused to go down into the basement for at least a month after that happened."

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