Drowning Animal

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So, there's this old bridge in my town that's supposedly haunted by a young girl who drowned in the river beneath it. Apparently, if you came at the right time you could hear her scream. When me and my buddies were in high school we had nothing better to do than go ghost hunting. Being from a town of 6000 people in good ol' southern Illinois, half of that being prison inmates and mental health patients, you have to get a bit creative to have any sort of fun.

Anyway, we get to this bridge at about 3 A.M. and we sit there for awhile. Nothing. About 20 minutes go by and were all skeptical. Everyone's joking about how dumb this was, or trying to creep each other out. All of a sudden, Screaming. The most blood-curdling, high pitched screaming you've ever heard. It wasn't just one scream either. It never stopped, it kept going even as we were driving away in our cars. But that's not even the worst part.

Me and one of my buddies high tail it back to the cars as soon as we heard the initial scream, because you had to walk a bit downhill to get underneath the bridge. Halfway back, we both go from sprinting to a dead stop at the exact same moment. I never asked him what he saw, because I saw it for myself. It was a girl, running on all fours into the woods.

I don't talk about this much because it gives me chills just thinking about it, and nobody ever takes me seriously.

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