I take a seat in one of the plush armchairs in his office and cross my left leg over my right, never once taking my gaze off the cunning man before me.

"Fine then, why is she here, Don?" I ask again calmly, referring to him by his title. He leans forward and staple his fingers together, with a narrow gaze at me.

"Be lucky your my son, and the one to inherit my title when I step down, or else you'd be dead where you sat." He mutters darkly, my body tenses at his response and I clench my fist to control my ire.

He was right, no one dares question a Don. It was viewed as disrespectful and death was the only thing my father found punishable enough to correct such an act.

My father was a very cruel and dangerous man, and he didn't play games.

I had escaped many bullet holes with only the mere fact, that I was his heir. He had to deal with my shit if he didn't wish to switch power to another family in the organization.

He was a smart old man, and despite my work as his protojé and underboss, he was the patriarch of the italian mafia across the five families. He was the godfather of the Gambino family, and the reason behind why everything ran smoothly, and why the families always stayed in line.

That only made my curiosity rise.
Who was that girl? Why was she here? Where did he find her? When did she start living here?

"Now then, let's just say Kylie, is an investment. Or better yet, an asset, I own her. "

"Oh?" I ask intrigued by his reply. My father owned many things, had bought out many businesses and owned a long list of assets, but never one in human form.

"Her father is italian, mother African-American. Her father, Pierre Lombardi, and an accomplice, John Russo stole from us recently. 30 million dollars, and five hundred thousand dollars worth of important data, documents and files – all crypto, stock and bonds related."

"Fuck, all that and she isn't 6ft under? Forget about it." I breathe winded. Marveling at the prospect that after such a hit he hadn't immediately killed the girl after he found her, just for relation alone.

No one cheated the mob, and lived to tell the tale.

"I felt the same way, but she possess talents that are beneficial to us. She's a very intelligent girl, she's quick witted and mentally flexible. She's a fast learner, and her skills in computer science and technology is a major boost to this organization. Her skills, rival that of her father's, who is a master at his craft.

Imagine having an experienced hacker under your thumb, one that's not on your payroll? Like her father was? We could, already have, intersept trades, wipe criminal records clean, we could know our enemies next moves before they even know it themselves.

With her skills, controlled solely by us, we could be untouchable." He says unwaveringly, a dark gleam in his eyes and his lips twisted in a smirk.

"I mean, I suppose with all you've said, there is potential there. But, what about the father?" I ask curiously, my brows knitting together in wonder.

"Lombardi fell off the face of the earth a few weeks ago. We haven't been able to locate him since the hit. Digital footprints? None. It's like he never existed."

My face sours at his response.

I had only been gone for six months, and all this happened in my absence. Milan was definitely an experience, but had I known so much shit was going down back home, I'd have cut my trip short.

"But there's more. There's more your not telling me, like who is she, how she got here." I mutter lowly, stroking my thin stubble. He grins at me like a man with with a master plan.

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