Chapter Thirteen

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What's Hot #18!!!! EEEPPP!!!!

So this should be one of the best chapters yet, and one of the best cliff hangers yet. If you thought the last one was a cliff hanger, wait till you see this one..

HEY YOU!!! Yeah you, the person trying to skip the pages, read it in an orderly fashion like a normal person. Don't ruin it for yourself.

I tried very hard to make this chapter as best as how I saw it in my head, so I think it deserves at least 200 votes if you want the next chapter. It isn't a lot! If all you vote, there will be at least 210 votes. The last chapter had more than two thousand reads, so if you all vote, you should be fine.

Also, YAYZ! We're getting closer to part two, and yeah there's a part two, this book isn't that short. Also, the biggest surprise is soon coming up, and I can't wait!!! I hope you guys love it.

I'm thinking, baby, you and I are undeniable
But I'm finding now loves unreliable
I'm giving all I got to make you stay
Or am I just a roadblock in your way?

Cause you're a pretty little windstorm on the boulevard
Something like a Sunset, oh you're a shooting star
And I might drive myself insane
If those lips aren't speaking my name

How could I say no?

Shes got a love like woe
Girls got a love like woe
I kinda feel like it don't make sense
Because you're bringing me in
and now you're kicking me out again
Loved so strong, then you moved on
Now I'm hung up in suspense,
Because you're bringing me in
And then you're kicking me out again

Love Like Woe – The Ready Set

Chapter Thirteen - Derek


The only way to describe her was breathtaking, but that wasn't even a good enough description.

Celeste had smooth, long wavy brown hair that cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. She was tall, especially in heels. Speaking of which, she had really long legs and thin arms. Celeste was skinny, very skinny, but not the type where you'd think she was starving herself.

And to top it all off, she was wearing a long white dress that billowed before her. It had a strapless neckline, and tightened a bit at the waist. The bottom half was made of white roses. The color of the dress went perfectly with her skin, making her skin glow. I was at a loss for words. The only thing I could think was she looked like a freaking angel.

The whole room had gone silent, and every single person was staring. Everyone froze, some people in the middle of a dance. Even some dropped their glasses or drinks in surprise at her beauty. One musician even dropped his instrument. It landed with a ear piercing crash.

Celeste seemed oblivious, only staring at me as if she expected me to say something. Maybe I wanted to, but I was too much in shock, and I think if I spoke, it wouldn't be comprehendable.

Celeste had a grin on her face, but it started to disappear as everyone kept on staring at her. No! I didn't want that smile to be gone. It was so beautiful. She was so beautiful.

“Wow,” I whispered. A small smile appeared back on her face.

“Finally, a response from all the silence.” She frowned again. “But I really don't like this staring. Come on, take a picture, it'll last longer.” I think I saw a couple people actually try to reach into their purses or pockets to get a camera. “I didn't mean it seriously.”

I stared at her a little longer, one, because I really just couldn't stop. I believe I was gaping. Slowly, I closed my mouth, but it just fell back open again. Celeste laughed and rolled her eyes. She looked so small... like a fragile little doll. And her laugh, it was girly and mesmerizing... How the heck did she beat people up who were twice her size? But now she was sighing.

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