a chance at love

387 19 5




A scream resonated in the once silent room, soon followed by a round of excited shouts and loud clapping of hands.

Almost all of the people reunited in the room ran towards the two girls who had just entered the place. One of them was smiling proudly at herself, the other had her mouth agape, clearly surprised.

Wonyoung didn't dare to move towards them. Instead, she was one of the few people who stayed behind, while everyone else was congratulating one of the two girls.

Smiles were thrown at each other, laughs were shared together; everyone seemed to be very bubbly that night. Wonyoung couldn't quite understand why.

Actually, she knew the reason why they were so cheerful very well. Had it been a different situation, she was sure she'd be joining in on the celebrating as well. However, there was something keeping her from enjoying herself; a feeling she had tried so hard to bury deep inside, but kept resurfacing to slap her in the face each time.

She saw Yujin turn around once she realised she was not by her side anymore. After spotting Wonyoung, Yujin gestured for her to come closer so that she could give her congratulations to the girl as well.

Wonyoung considered playing it off, tell her that she would do it later and then avoid it for the rest of the night. Yujin wouldn't question it too much, Wonyoung could easily find a way to get away with it.

She changed her mind as soon as she got a glimpse of her. Wonyoung knew she would never be able to pull it off. She remembered all the time the two of them had jokingly fought about Wonyoung being immature because of her young age; she would always argue that age meant nothing when it came to maturity.

Wonyoung finally made up her mind. She needed to show the girl standing in the middle of the room that she was indeed mature before it was too late. She knew she wouldn't get a second chance.

She walked slowly towards the cheering crowd, her steps were insecure and Wonyoung came to the realisation that she didn't want to be there. Not when she could easily imagine what was going to happen once the night was over.

When she got close enough to Yujin, her best friend grabbed her hand and dragged her to the front of the crowd, muttering under her breath words Wonyoung did not try to decipher. When Yujin finally stopped and Wonyoung looked up, she held her breath, taking in the sight in front of her eyes.

Chaewon was simply standing there, a delightful smile on her lips and shining eyes. She wasn't doing much apart from smiling nicely to some friends, yet Wonyoung thought she had never looked so beautiful before.

Chaewon turned to talk to Hitomi, while Minjoo was by her side. She had been the one that had brought her there for the surprise.

She felt Yujin nudge her slightly when Hitomi stepped away to let others talk to her.

"Go and tell her that you're proud of her!" Yujin exclaimed in her ear, sounding way too enthusiastic. Wonyoung looked at her as if she had gone completely crazy, then proceeded to shake her head frantically. There was no way she was going to find the courage to get any nearer to Chaewon and actually manage to talk to her.

However, courage was not needed since Yujin had already thought about everything. Wonyoung almost fell to the ground when she was suddenly pushed towards Chaewon. Yujin was snickering while she enjoyed the panicked expression on her best friend's face. If Wonyoung hadn't been too busy freaking out, she'd be fuming.

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