Chapter 8: The Absolute Truth

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By morning, the rain finally had lifted and Scotland Yard has taken away Karl Woodley. I watched the guest leave from the living room window. Although, Charles Grey doesn't look too happy. 

I still don't know what Mari did the other night. She hasn't said a word to me since then. I've tried communicating with her, but she is refusing to talk to me. However. . . There was one thing she told me to keep in mind. . .

"You seem troubled. Is something on your mind, Moon?" Ciel questions me. 

"Somewhat. I feel troubled. . . It's about Mari. . . She took over the other night." I frown a bit.

"We'll discuss it over some tea. Let's go inside." 

"Right." I nod and follow Ciel inside, with the other servants following. "By the way, when is Sebastian going to get rid of that disguise?" 

"So, you knew the whole time, didn't you?" 

"I connected the dots after he was checking the bodies, including himself. It wasn't that hard to miss, really." I smile. 

"Smart girl." Ciel smirks, and I couldn't help but giggle. As Ciel, Jeremy, and I walked up the stairs, the front doors flew open with Sir Arthur in a panting mess. 

"So we are meeting again. What brings you back? Did you forget something?" Jeremy questions him. 

"I've decided that investigation was not yet complete! I came for the truth, Jeremy. . . Or is it, Sebastian, the Butler!" Arthur pants. 

Jeremy smirks as he says, "Oh, my. Well done! It seems they, or rather, we underestimated you. Yes. . .We did, indeed." His voice is sounding a lot like Sebastian's now as he peels off the facial mask. 

"No! It's incredible! Unreal! No one could pull of such a deception so flawlessly!" 

"Still unsure? You came back here because you wanted answers, did you not? If only you kept going you could have resumed your humdrum life. Why return? If the truth trembles you, so. . ." 

"I had to know if my misgivings were correct so I could go after the Yard's carriage! If I'm right, that means an innocent man is now in their custody!" 

"Kukuku~ My, my." I giggle. "What a strong sense of justice. You remind me of myself back in the day." 

"I would have guessed, considering you wrote such a strong novel." Ciel adds. "Did you consider that if you reveal that you knew the truth, we might not let you leave here again?"

Arthur gasps and takes a step back. "He's just joking." I let Arthur know, then look at Ciel. "You have a wicked sense of humor. But," I look back at Arthur. "Your assumption is correct. Sir Woodley was not the murderer." 

"At least not in this instance, he wasn't." Ciel finishes my sentence. "Don't let it trouble you. That carriage is here he belongs." 

"Wait! I don't understand!" Arthur shouts at Ciel as Ciel begins to walk up the stairs. 

"I'll be happy to explain it more thoroughly. Perhaps over some tea?" Ciel, Sebastian, Arthur, and I are in some indoor garden having tea and sweets. "Now then, what made you expect Sebastian was alive to begin with?" 

"Well, to be honest, I wasn't actually sure about that. I just had a vague sense that something was off. That's all. . . He was. . .How do I explain it this? . . . Sebastian is. . . too perfect."

"So, what you're saying that Sebastian and Jeremy are unbelievable characters?" I question. 

"Yes, exactly! They left no room for doubt! It was too neat! It was all orchestrated so well that it was unnatural!" 

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