Chapter 3: Party Gone Wrong

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Sebastian dresses me in a favorite black dress as the party is about to begin soon. This party is going to be filled with Nobleman and fancy people that I don't even know. "You seem nervous, Milady." Sebastian notices my silence. 

"This is my first noble party with other nobles. . . Wouldn't it be better if I stayed in my room for the night?" I suggest, having second thoughts about attending the party. "I am use to staying out of sight and out of trouble. . . What if something happens?" 

"A lady should not isolate herself in a bedroom when she has been given an opportunity to the outside world." Sebastian smiles at me. "I understand that you are use to your original lifestyle, but this does take time getting use to." 

"I guess. . . But I am hardly given any opportunity to go outside, or experience the outside life. Do you think I will make a good impression of myself, or for Ciel at the least?" 

"I think you will be fine, Milady. The Young Master has his ways of throwing a good party for the guest."Sebastian stands up from straightening my dress from the bottom and holds out his hand to me. "Now then, a party awaits us."  

I take the butler's hand as he escorts me to the stairway where Ciel waits for me. Ciel holds out his hand to me, so that he can make a good impression of himself. 

When I look down the staircase, I see a lot of nobleman waiting for the party to begin. I never attended these parties, so I don't know how to act. "The Earl is so. . .young. I say, who is that Madam with him?" A man with brown hair speaks as our eyes meet. 

"That young girl lives with the Earl. Her name is Moon Coleman." A China man replies to the other. I think his name is Lau. 

"Moon. . .Coleman? That name sounds familiar." 

"Of course, it does. She was one of the missing children when Noah's Arc Circus was in town. Turns out the poor child was kept against her will and was force to do unspeakable things. But, the Earl Phantomhive decided to adopt the child, so now she lives here with him." 

"Oh, my. What a tragic tale." 

I forgot to mention. My story came out in the papers, so now people can't stop talking about my tragic tale. Whenever they see me, they whisper amongst themselves while giving me sad expression. 

Truth is, I do not wish for their pity because I find it troublesome and a nuisance. I don't want people to think of me as a defenseless little girl. . . 

"Hello and welcome. I would like to thank you all for coming to my little party. I am the Earl of this fine estate, Ciel Phantomhive. I know that we shall have an excellent time. I look forward into greeting each of you once dinner begins. Whether you are an acquaintance or somebody that I am meeting for the first time." Ciel does his introduction while walking down the stairs with me still holding his hand. 

I say, he does know how to keep a smile on his face when it comes to gatherings. From the days I've been with him, he's not fond of getting out much. He says it's bothersome. 

The guest of honor, Gerorg Von Siemens, arrives with Charles Grey, and Ciel and I go to the dining room along with the other guest. 

"I hope you are enjoying the party, kind Sir." I say, making my appearance to Arthur Conan Doyle. I smile at him as I stand in front of him. 

"I am-" His eyes widen when he sees me in front of him. "Oh, Miss Moon Coleman, it's you!" He stands up from his chair, surprised to see me. 

"You sound surprise to see me." 

"I quite am, yes! I mean, you are kidnapped- or you were- your story said that- oh, please, forgive me!" He bows his head in an apologetic manner, making me giggle. 

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