Chapter 16: The Technically Not-Birthday Party

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When Severus arrives in the open courtyard, hands stuffed in his stuffed in his pockets and his breath visible on the air, Harry is waiting for him. He's dressed in a dark red scarf and long brown coat and his emerald eyes gleam in the sunlight with golden speckles. His hair is flat and reflective against the snow that makes dazzling silver flecks appear at the ends. He's smiling. It's the smile Severus remembers from Harry's first day of teaching. One of enthusiastic bliss and excitement. He waves over with a gloves hand the same colour as his scarf. He runs up to Severus, boots crunching in the snow, and attacks him with a tight hug. 

"Happy Coming-of-Age day," he chuckles as he lets Severus go albeit reluctantly. 

"Coming of Age day?" Severus lets out his own brief and low chuckle from the back of his throat. It's more of a good-natured scoff. 

"Well, since you don't like your birthday I figured we could just celebrate today as you being legal to date. And I could take you on a date - that way..." 

"It's not technically a birthday party? You are insufferable," he rolls his eyes but can't help be amused at Harry's thinking. The man really is the epitome of cuteness especially here smiling with his nose tinged red surrounded by snow. He sighs. "Very well, what is this date exactly?" 

"Good things come to those who wait," Harry sings with infuriating ambiguity. Severus must resigned himself to this being a surprise. 

They're already walking towards the castle exit, the icy bridge stretching imperially across the frozen lake. It's a beautiful sight, this expanse of crystal clear white. Like the world is encased in a dome of diamond. Only stars would make it better. They walk slowly, admiring the scenery. Severus can legally smoke now and pulls a fag from his pocket - Harry wonders if he has an endless supply. He lights it and a pocket of warmth forms around his hands. Who needs gloves when you have a mini fire smouldering away in your hands? 

"If this is out first official date, is that us officially dating?" Severus asks. He's not great with this social-cues crap but knows he can ask and Harry won't judge him. 

"Hm, I would think so," Harry laughs, slipping a hand into Severus' and squeezing it gently. "If you'd like," 

"You're so arrogant," Severus rolls his eyes. "Of course I want to date you," 

Harry grins wider and Severus pulls away. 

"No!"" he protests to the sound of Harry's laughter. "Do not let this feed your ego!" 

Harry keeps laughing and is amused all the way to Hogsmead, although they walk nicely side-by-side in relative silence the rest of the way. Because of the snow or maybe because it's a lazy day the town is sparsely populated. A few Witches dotted around here and there but the cobbled cottages and contrasting contemporary businesses alike look similarly abandoned. Not the creepy type of abandoned, more like they'd look in the quaint olden times when people sat in the house on days like this and played Wizards' Chess as a family. It makes Harry feel fuzzy inside, he's happy for all these people who can spend the day indoors with loved ones. Even if he's having the time of his life outdoors. 

From the outside the restaurant is a narrow walkway, black and invisible against the dark obsidian stone these buildings were constructed from. Inside it's aglow with the light of a chandelier and wide open, maybe even miles and miles of square metres of large tables with low couches and armchairs that's still somehow cosy. They sit at a wooden round table side-by-side in this mostly empty restaurant. Like outside, a patron appears occasionally but this place is so big where they're sitting remains a mystery. 

Menus levitate at a comfortable reading length form their faces and sense when they're done looking to turn their own pages. Harry hums and comments on what looks good and what doesn't and the pros and cons of almost every item. Severus ponders the menu silently. He looks like he's brooding. His fists are clenched and a glower on his face. One may think he's contemplating murder but Harry knows he's just nervous. Maybe now they're dating Harry can finally find out what's up with Severus and his totally-not-obvious panic disorder. 

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