When in Ro...mania (Stefan and Vladimir Oneshot)

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Character Information

Name: Annie

Age: 24 

Looks: Curly Brown hair, Blue Eyes, Slim, 5'4 

Species: Default 

Hobbies: Theatre, Karate, Swimming, Travelling 

Job: Stage Manager Likes: Theatre, Travelling, Exploring

Friends: Cullen family 

Romantic Interest: Stefan and Vladimir 

Le Story

"Of anywhere we could have taken you, Annie, it had to be Romania?" Edward groaned, practically face palming himself as we all walked along the street back to the villa we were staying in.

I turned towards him, still buzzing at how amazing it was to be in the same country the legend had been born in. I mean, when you think of vampires you certainly don't imagine coming face to face with the glittery, hard as a rock vampire that I've grown accustom to. No, when you hear vampire, it's Dracula that comes to mind. I mean, honestly, what could be better than experiencing where the pure satirical genius originated. "I'm sorry that my hobbies offend you, Ed-weird," I replied, batting my eyelashes at him mockingly. "Besides," I start again, "Alice was all for visiting Romania."

"Yeah, well, you and her are the only ones. Honestly, I can't wait until we leave," Emmett mutters, his hands flexing at his sides like he was just waiting for a fight. In fact, everyone seemed to be on edge except Alice and I. It really was a bummer.

I stare down my immortal friends in mild wonder. I'd met them a few years ago when the whole Cullen family had lived in Alaska, ironically, attending school with them. I came across them again, rather un-ironically, when I'd visited Seattle for a production as I'd been touring with my theatre company. Some red haired witch tried to attack me out of nowhere but got spooked off when she sensed Edward coming our way with Bella. They had been on a date. Color me intrigued right then. I obsessively researched about it for months and, although reluctant on their end, they verified my suspicions when I cornered them and accused them of being vampires.

The rest has pretty much been history. Oh, I guess Bella being a vampire is still pretty new, actually. Part of the reason we were road tripping while I was on break - Edward had promised to show her the world and we all tagged along. When Alice had suggested Romania, it had very nearly been wiped off the table but this particular coven had a soft spot for me and after some...persuading they agreed reluctantly. However, it was the one place they all agreed not to bring Nessie to. So, much to Jake's delight, she was left in his care.

I'd taken so many pictures of the capital yesterday, it was all so beautiful. "Hey..." I called out, drawing their attention. "What if we go here today?" I asked, pointing to the old ruins of a castle on the computer once we had reached the hotel. I'd pulled up a tourist trap website that showed you the best hidden gems.

Alice looked over and grinned. "I think that's a great idea!"

Jasper turned to give his mate a confused look. If I had to guess, he was curious as to why she looked beyond excited right now. It was a mystery to me too, really. I mean, she's generally a ball of sunshine but right now she's gone super nova on us. Carlisle looks over the article and shrugs. "Looks fine," he told the group. It was then I noticed the sigh of unease leave the room. Odd.


"So," I draw out," Want to split up?" I asked curiously, smiling whimsically. Something about this place just felt, well, right. Like Maybe I could have lived here once upon a time. The place seemed to make the group of vampires uneasy even though they had agreed to come all this way to tour the place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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