Behind the Scenes (A Tom Holland Oneshot)

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Requested by: weirdlyextraordinary

Name: Ariana

Age: 21

Paired with: Tom Holland

Looks: Has Turquoise hair, Filipino, is 5'3

Background: She has been single her whole life and decides to take up the job of acting.

END OF MAY 2016_

"Look, Ariana - Can I call you Ari? - I don't think you understand how big of an opportunity this is, here. I mean, working alongside the likes of Tom Holland and Zendaya not to mention breathing in the same room as Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans. They're epic and, well, you're just..." I stared at the lady with wide eyes as she gave me the stink eye as she finished her tirade.

"Don't worry Miss..." I had been up so late memorizing the script that I couldn't remember this lady's name. "I understand perfectly how important this is."

I watched with tired anxiety as the raven haired beauty opened her pouted lips like she was about to go on another rant of how insignificant of a person I am, only for someone to ever-so smoothly cut her off. "Ariana?" I didn't even have to turn towards the voice to know who had called out to me. I turned, slack jawed, towards the leading actor who'd called my name. "You're Ariana, right?" He sounded kind of breathless and I wondered briefly if he had jogged across the set to get to me.

The brunette stood almost half a foot taller than I did and I suddenly wondered how I was going to get used to looking up at him all the time. "Uh, yeah, that's me," I stuttered out once I tore my eyes from his warm brown ones.

His small smile widens and I can tell he's relieved. "Oh, that's great! You don't want to know how many girls I called out to just now, trying to find you," he explained.

"You were trying to find me?" I asked, shocked. The question came out without a second thought and I flushed when I realized how it had sounded.

He laughed. "Yeah, I was told you were going to be playing Peter's love interest and that we should get more comfortable with each other," he further went on. "But I don't really think that will be much of an issue for us." His eyes twinkled with mischief and what he said amazed me. I had only played in B-role movies before and it had been easy not to be starstruck with my co-workers then because we were all pretty unknown. 

My cheeks burned as what he said sank in. "I see, well, um... Right! We should definitely work on being more comfortable around each other!" I replied hastily, realizing I'm going to have to get over my nerves being around the A-listers if I want to put on my best performance. I had a lot riding on this gig. "How about we take a stroll?" I suggested, motioning towards the empty space of the set as no one was doing any filming yet.

He grinned, showing me just how easy going he truly was. "Lead the way," he replied, using his hand to gesture in front of us.

I couldn't help but giggle which probably seemed odd to him. A blue haired Filipino giggling and blushing profusely. I must look like some crazy fan to him. "So... How should we break the ice?" I wondered, not realizing I'd voiced my thoughts.

He laughed. "How about we start off simple? Favorite color?"

I arched my eyebrow, giving the man an incredulous look. "Shouldn't it be obvious?" I asked sarcastically.

Tom stared at me for a moment, in wonder, then he replied, "Right, because of the hair."

I nodded, laughing. "Yeah, the hair." I paused before thoughtfully adding, "Too bad Mary Jane can't have blue hair."

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