Glad You Came (Paul Lahote Oneshot)

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I stood in the airport terminal, my mother's hands holding my cheeks captive as she stared at me with teary eyes. I offered her a half smile which probably looked like a grimace since she was squishing my face between her hands. I knew my mother loved me, I was all she had left of my deceased father, but I couldn't see why sending me to my uncle's was the best option. I'm not a particularly troubled teenager, I spend my time with decent people. My hobbies consisted of taking pictures and scrap booking, hardly a recipe for disaster.

She sighed. "I'm sorry and I love you, Tessa," she told me. I let her kiss my head as many times as she needed and anything else that I usually wouldn't let her do out of embarrassment because while I knew she needed this, I did too. She is my mother, I know she doesn't have the best of luck but she tries her best.

"I love you too, mom," I told her, giving her a parting smile as I picked up my carry on bag and boarded my plane. I stared out the plane's window, spotting my mother standing at the large glass, tears staining her cheeks as the plane began to move.

I sighed, sitting back in my seat. I didn't blame my mother for my sudden move from Texas to Washington. My mother was a natural born klutz and she hasn't had the best luck either which is why she can't ever hold a job for long. We even had to move in with my grandparents after my father had passed away when I was five. It was my grandmother who suggested I go live with the uncle I hadn't seen in twelve years. After many arguments about it, my grandmother won the fight and I packed up my bags to go live with my uncle and cousin.


I spent the four hour plane ride reading  about a supernatural romance love triangle and, when I landed, I spotted my uncle right away, still in his police uniform. "Uncle Charlie!" I exclaimed, grinning as I waved. His face lit up a bit and he offered me a warm smile. We grabbed my luggage on our way out of the terminal of the Seattle airport. 

The ride to his house in Forks had started off quiet and then he began talking about my cousin, Bella. He told me about her move here last year and how she's been so preoccupied with her boyfriend. He went on to say that Bella offered to help me get situated into my classes on Monday. It was silent for some time after that. I'm pretty sure Uncle Charlie just doesn't know how to handle awkward situations.

"Grandma was the one who called you and talked to you about me, didn't she?" I asked, glancing away from the beauty of the woods to look at my uncle.

He sighed. "She did."

"Did you read my file?" I asked, staring at him head on.


I laughed. "What did Grandma say I did, then?" I asked, knowing she had blown the arrest way out of proportion.

"Breaking and entering," he replied gruffly, adjusting in his seat awkwardly.

That had me rolling with laughter. "Don't worry Uncle Charlie, my arrest was a total misunderstanding and it got dropped. I was standing outside of some old town hall building, taking pictures. Some other kids my age, broke in to look around and the cop that showed up on the scene thought I was with the others and took me into custody too."

The rest of the drive was spent catching up and getting to know one another after so long. We had been laughing so much by the time we had pulled up to the house, we didn't think there was anything wrong. Uncle Charlie noticed that Bella wasn't home yet so when we went inside, he dialed her boyfriend's house, no one picked up. He then dialed the hospital, asking for Dr. Carlisle, only to be told that he no longer worked there. I sat at the table, staring at a worried looking man trying to find his daughter. Uncle Charlie then called up his buddies on the police force, asking if they'd help look for Bella. She hadn't been missing for a whole day yet so they couldn't write up a missing person's report but they agreed to look for her. He then called up someone I didn't know but he seemed to calm down a little while talking to the man on the other line.

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