Embry Call Oneshot

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~Jeanette's POV~

Have you ever known something to be true so strongly that it blinded you? I have. It's taken me two years to face the facts and finally admit this to myself. I loved him so much that I knew he was the only one. He had to be. Embry Call. That name still causes my heart to tremble with anguish but not my mind. It's a steel trap now, hardened to protect my heart.

I suppose some backstory is needed here. Embry and I have known each other since we were in diapers. Our mothers are best friends so naturally they encouraged us to get along. At thirteen, we started dating. I know, awfully young and first loves never last. We were naive and innocent then, only wishing to be closer to each other than we already were. Holding hands, stealing kisses. Really sweet and innocent. It all just felt right to me and I thought he felt the same way. Two years strong, he ended things.

I knew it wasn't that he didn't care about me. I mean, the boy was crying as he broke up with me. But that didn't make the break up hurt any less, and boy did it hurt. He was scared, didn't believe in what we had could last, and he'd rather us be friends and be in each other's lives than not. I understood that, I did. Or I tried to, at least. But in the end...I removed myself from the whole ordeal.

I couldn't move on. I couldn't watch him date and fall in love with another girl. So, I didn't. I moved, lived with my aunt across the country, as far away from him as I could get, and grew up. I learned how to function normally, on my own, without him. But now I'm back for my senior year of high school and I couldn't be anymore ready.

That's a lie. I'm insanely nervous or possibly just insane, the jury is still out on that one.

~3rd Person POV~

"Did you hear?" Buzz was already circulating around town about the return of Jeanette Carter. It was Jared who had asked, though.

Embry looked up at the man towering over him with a dead look on his face. After the last vampire sighting and the back to back patrols, all he craved was sleep. "Hear about what?"

"Seems like your old flame has come back into town," Paul butted in, teasing his pack brother as he took a seat at Emily's table.

Embry had only ever dated one person in his life. Before his time as a wolf shifter, he hadn't been all that popular with the ladies and now he was comfortable waiting on his imprint. Still, he couldn't help the stutter his heart made at the news. Jean was back. He sighed. "What's it matter for anyway? We stick to our own and it's not like she's going to want to see me after all this time."

His brothers all looked around, looks of saddened pity fluttering about as they gave him a moment of silence. They had all heard his mind at one time or another when she popped into it randomly. It was Sam who broke the silence. "Just remember our rules."

~Jeanette's POV~

The first day of school was quite honestly the most frightening thing ever. Everyone knew me, the old me. Their stares and whispers had me on edge. You would think they had more pressing concerns than the returnee, but you'd be mistaken.

I got through the first four classes without so much as a flicker of seeing Embry, for which I was eternally grateful. No amount of psyching yourself up to see your ex again actually helps. It was my walk to the cafeteria when I ran into him. Literally.

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