Mozzarella sticks

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A month or so had passed with Jimin leaving the hospital today. For the past month, he'd been recovering while getting therapy at the same time. He had to eat at least two meals a day and he had to at least get his low weight back up to 135 before he could leave the hospital.

So Jimin did. He was determined to get better. Yoongi wasn't allowed to visit him during this time, only get limited phone calls with Jimin. But Jimin recovered pretty fast and had enough therapy to the point where he didn't ever want to starve himself again. Now he knew the dangers of what could happen.

His therapist gave him a solution to maintain a healthy weight without starving himself, but eat healthier. Jimin had noted he'd always ate unhealthy foods all the time which caused most of his weight gain and caused him to be insecure.

Now Jimin was ready to leave and live a better life. He was still really skinny but it was more natural looking. He was so happy he wasn't constantly cold anymore, or felt dizzy all the time. He could finally fit back into most of his old jeans which were still a little roomy on him but not as much to the pointed where he needed to by a whole new collection of jeans.

He thanked the doctors and his therapist as his mom picked him up from the hospital, happy her son was okay. She drove him home, Jimin ready to lay on his own bed again and text his friends without having a limited time to.

When he got home though, he had a lovely surprise waiting for him. He walked inside, quietly walking into the living room where Yoongi sat on the couch on his phone. Jimin happily climbed on his lap and hugged him tightly, Yoongi hugging back.

"I missed you so much Jimin" Yoongi said quietly, Jimin hugging him tighter. "I missed you too." Jimin breathed out. Jimin's mom smiled as she left the two alone to catch up with each other. "You look a lot better now." Yoongi said, Jimin nodding. "I feel better too." He admitted.

"You're still really skinny though." Yoongi said. "I know, the doctor said I might be at the weight for a while until I start eating normally again." Jimin said. Yoongi hummed and just hugged Jimin close. "I love you so much, I'm glad you're okay." Yoongi said quietly, Jimin nodding.

"Do you want to go to Junior Prom with me?" Yoongi asked, Jimin gasping a little. "You really want me to go with you?" Jimin asked. "Well, yeah. Who else?" Yoongi chuckled. "Of course I will." Jimin smiled, pressing their lips together in a loving kiss.


School the next day was very hectic, Jimin having to catch up on things in a few classes. Jungkook cried as he got to see Jimin again, ranting about how much he hated Jimin for doing that to himself. "I'm sorry Kookie." Jimin tried not to giggled as he wiped Jungkook's tears. "I hate you~" He cried.

Everyone was happy he was back and seemingly healthier. People were still worried at the fact that he was still really skinny but not as much as he was before, being he put on about thirty pounds.

The day got better though, Jimin hearing the doorbell ring around 7:54 p.m. because Yoongi was picking him up for Prom. Jimin did a few touched on his makeup before walking downstairs, Jimin's mom talking to Yoongi.

He smiled when he saw Jimin, taking his hand. "You look nice." He said, Jimin blushing softly before thanking him. "Have fun sweetie." His mother ruffled his cotton candy pink hair before he left with Yoongi.

"You feel okay?" Yoongi asked as he drove them to the school, Jimin nodding. "It just still kinda irks me at the fact that, I was really about to die." Jimin said. "Well, you're okay now. You didn't." Yoongi said, taking a handoff the steering wheels to hold Jimin's hand.

They made it to the school, Jimin and Yoongi meeting the rest of the friend group in the gym, dancing to whatever song was playing. Jimin grabbed a cookie from the refreshment table, smiling as he ate it. Just weeks ago he'd be sick if someone mentioned a cookie.

Everyone just noticed that Jimin was happier, which made them happy as well. Jimin had fun that night with Yoongi and the rest of their friends. They ate way too many sweets, took silly photos in the photo booth and the best of them all, Jimin got to slow dance with Yoongi.

"Did you have fun?" Yoongi asked as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist for the last dance of the night. "Yeah, can't wait until next year's Prom." Jimin said, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's neck. "Senior Prom will mean a lot more to me though." Jimin said.

"I'm glad you had a great time then." Yoongi said softly. Jimin kissed his lips deeply before resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi smiled faintly to himself, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Jimin was seriously everything he could've asked for.

Jimin went back to Yoongi's house after, Yoongi's parents and Jimin's mom had gone out for drinks. "Wanna k ow something weird?" Yoongi asked as they sat on his bed. "What?" Jimin asked. "I knew your mom existed but I never knew you did." Yoongi said.

"Y'know, because my mom and your mom are work friends or whatever." Yoongi said. "I didn't know you existed either so, we're even." Jimin giggled as he laid down. Yoongi climbed in between his legs, looking into the boy's eyes. "I wish I was never mean to you in the beginning of the year. God, I was so stupid. You're such a sweet and beautiful person and I'm sorry I ever hurt you." Yoongi said.

"Yoongi?" Jimin said softly, a small smile growing on his lips. "Yes?" Yoongi asked. "Make love to me." Jimin breathed out, Yoongi smirking as he connected their lips into a electrifying kiss, which led onto a night of passion.

So much happened this school year. A lot of the stuff Jimin didn't even think would happen to him. He didn't think he'd be bullied. He didn't ever think he'd starve himself to death. Surely he never suspected his bullies would apologize, and the fact he was now deeply in love with one of them.

Sure Yoongi knew right away he loved Jimin and knew it would take Jimin some time to love him back. But he was willing to wait for him, through all the hardships he went through. But now they were finally happy together. They loved each other.


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