Period!!!! umm... yea

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I sighed as me and karai sat in her house.

"I hate you" karai mumbled as she scrolled through her phone.

"Why?" I asked stretching. We just made a tik tok and I was todoroki and karai was deku.

"Because your a liar!" She said glaring at me.

"I'm a liar?" I asked leaning forward. This is interesting.


"Why?" I asked smiling.

"Because I said you were cute and you said no your not!" She yelled blushing. I grabbed her arms making her look at me.

"If I except the complainant will you calm down?" I asked.

Karai looked away and nodded.

"Thankyou" I said.

Karai smiled and crossed her arms in triumph. "Your welcome" she said.

Yea... shes soooooo on her period!

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