Chapter Sixteen ➳ Finding Home

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My eyes open up with immense force as my fingers clench the bedsheets I'm supposedly lying on. There seems to be a mask plunged onto my mouth, and I notice there are tubes coming in and out of my body.

I whisper incoherent words to myself, taking incessant breaths in and out. Then, I hear someone exclaiming beside me, frantically running to the door. "Doctor! She's awake!" I notice the woman is wearing all blue and has a blue cap on her head and blue gloves on. Man, this woman must really love blue.

But then, it hits me hard. Wearing all blue... tubes in and out of me... mask plunged onto my mouth...

Am in a... hospital?

No way. No way in hell I can be in a hospital. I mean, it seemed as if five minutes I was studying for a test tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow... what is tomorrow? What is today? What is the freaking date for today?

As I ask these questions to myself, the door bursts open to a doctor wearing a white lab coat, a stethoscope wrapped around his neck and a clipboard placed in his hands. "How come she's awake? The anesthetic isn't supposed to awaken her this early."

"I know, doctor," the nurse sighs, "But I was acknowledging her heart rate and I realized that it started pulsating at an abnormal rate in a five minute time span."

"That's weird," the doctor mutters. He comes up to me and places his hand on my forehead. "She's burning up," he whispers. "Her body temperature is probably reacting in an abnormal form, due to the anesthetic. Did you measure the dosage correctly, nurse?"

"Yes, doctor, I did," the nurse straightens up. "She was doing well for a few hours, but in that specific five minute span her heart rate really fastened, due to the monitor."

The doctor pulls his hand away and clears his throat. "Maybe... maybe she had an episode."

"An episode?" the nurse looks at him weirdly. "But doctor, how can an anesthetic cause her to go through an episode?"

"Well, in her file it said that this specific patient attempted to commit suicide. It depends on what caused her to commit that action, so maybe that's why she possibly have went through an episode."

Attempted to... commit suicide?

Then, it all comes back to me.

My father abused me. He dragged me up the stairs. Locked me in the room and left me all alone. I broke glass off of my mirror and grabbed one specific shard sharp enough to hurt me. I started to drag it on my wrist, but then the door bust open. My father looked at me in shock and immediately called the ambulance. I started to faint, feeling my surroundings turn black. Couple minutes later, I felt my body being carried by people, and dropped onto a moving bed. Then, I felt myself falling asleep...

Oh, no.

I gasp to myself slightly, but loud enough for the nurse and the doctor to hear. Suddenly, the nurse rushes to me. "Sweetie, can you hear me?"

Seconds later, I muster up the courage to nod my head and squeak out, "Yes."

"Okay, good," the nurse sighs. "Listen to me, okay? Do you remember what you were doing before you came here to the hospital?"

And so, I told her. My voice croaked and cracked multiple times, but I managed to tell her the entire story of what happened. When I finished, the doctor and the nurse looked at me in such shock and the nurse cleared her throat. "Sweetie, I am sorry to hear that. And your father was the reason for your attempting of... suicide?"

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