i love you

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(Curtis pov)  

5:45 am. 
We hardly seeped all night. I didn't what to fall asleep because I know Marshall wouldn't and after all how code sleep after the conversation Marshall and I had. 
I look in to the living room on my way to the pantry to get the eggs. I stop in the doorway. Marshall sits on the sofa reading the leaflets the doctors gave him about  'relearning haw to walk.
He looks so little.
He is still very skinny.

I finch making breakfast.
I carry on two plates of bacon and eggs in to the living room.
"Here baby " I say handing him a plate.
" Can I sit on your lap " he wipers he's voice rough form crying for hours.
" occurs baby... Come here. "
I put are are food down and pic him up as I sit down.
I give him he's food.
I kiss the back of he's neck. 
Before tucking in to my breakfast. 
We eat in silence. 
I tack he's plate and place it on the coffeetabel. 
" I need to make a tho phone calls this morning so I fort maybe one of the guys could come and keep you company " I say kissing down he's neck. 
" I I wanted to go to the studo...... I haven't been there for a while. And I got some shit I'd like to get of m my chest. You know " he stutters playing white he's hands.
" I don't think that a very good idea baby. It's only you first fall day home. Haw about we hang out here today. But if your still filling up for it tomorrow I'll take you. And maybe we can record a song together. What do you think " I ask giving him a very gentle squeeze.
He turns and looks at me tiers in he's beautify blue eyes.
" Ok " he wipers before kissing me
" I love you so much " he said 
As I turn he's hips so I can see he faces. 
" I love you to baby " I say kissing he's cheek.
He faces doesn't have any browse any more. 
He just has scars and he's hair is still brown but longer. 
I need to get him a hair cut. I run one of my hands thro he's hair. 
" do you not like it?" he whisper he voice sounds sour. 
" what you hair?" I ask. He nods.
" it needs a bit of a cute but I like the colour. You look cute " I rub the back of he's neck.
" You think so. " he ask Running he's own hand thro he's hair.
" yeah baby. You look good. I like it " I say.
Marshall's hull personality changes in seconds.
He snaps he's head towards the window.
He eye are big and he begins to shake.
"Baby it ok it ok. What is it" I ask.
He grips a hold of my t-shirt with death grip.
" Baby look at me " I say turning he head to look at me.
" No one is there. ok. " I say
He turns back to look at the window.
He lets out a small whimpering burying he face in to my chest and sobs.

God what Wong white him.
What did they do to him to mack him so scared.
I got to get him some help.
I'm so worried about him.
Just hold on baby and I'll get you some help.
I think as I run he's back trying to cram him.

( Hi everybody hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Sorry it took so long.
I will try and update soon.😊

Thanks for reading. 😁

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