Chapter 1 | | A Sudden Member of an Unexpected Party | |

Start from the beginning

"Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendant of Archibald Witwicky?" Toby frowns, as the voice does not quite sound human, with a metallic 'ting' to it; though sounds deeply regal and authoritative.

"Yeah," a tentative voice replies softly.

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron," Her keys slip from her fingers as she steps out of the shadows, spotting the owner of the metallic voice.

The keys land on the ground with a loud jangle and the creatures turn suddenly to find the source of the sound. Five robotic figures—no, make that five gigantic robotic figures—stand in a circle around a pair of kids. Each robot is different, varying in height and colour, but all resemble cars in some way with automotive parts sticking out from their bodies. Their blue optics study her severely, judging her level of threat as she stands motionless before them.

Before she can blink, a large, cannon-like weapon is pointed at her head, glowing brightly as parts spin around its barrel. Her body freezes in place, but she stands in awe of the black robot that wields it.

"Who are you?" It—he—demands, shoving the cannon closer to Toby's face.

"Toby Williams," she licks her suddenly dry lips, "th-this is not how I expected my night to go."

"Ironhide, lower your weapon, we do not harm humans," the blue and red robot commands, still studying the woman curiously.

"But she's a potential threat!" He argues.

"No I'm not," Toby scowls at the black robot as he scoffs, "what would I do? Go to the police? They'd think I'm a nutjob. Besides, I've looked to the stars enough to know that I don't want to cause trouble with those who came from them."

"The girl is wise," a neon yellow robot addresses Optimus, "there is little she can do to affect the plan."

With a grumble that sounds more like a revving engine, the black robot lowers his weapon and it folds seamlessly into his arm. The woman's eyes widen in wonder at his seemingly simple action before picking up her keys again.

"You can call us Autobots for short," the neon yellow one speaks again, his optics now shifting to observe the kids beside him.

Both children—if she could even call them that—look absolutely terrified and judging by the dirt smudged on their faces and clothes, had been through hell to get here. They look at her expectantly, hoping that she's going to drag them from this freakish nightmare but she barely spares them a glance, as she is too busy admiring the Autobots.

"So we can avoid any confusion—if you don't mind—could you tell us your names?" Toby clasps her hands in front of her, smiling at her discovery of an alien species.

Optimus straightens, recalling the conversation before the woman's interruption. He gestures to the silver Autobot, the smallest of the group, who flips into a sitting position. "My first lieutenant. Designation, Jazz."

"This looks a cool place to kick it," Jazz slouches on a beaten, old car behind him.

"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?" The boy points to the silver Autobot, face full of confusion.

"Honestly, kid, they're autonomous robotic organisms from another planet; I'd say they have access to the internet." Toby chuckles lightheartedly, though grumbles at his inability to apply simple logic.

Optimus nods his head in reply to the woman's statement, proving her to be correct before gesturing to the black Autobot behind them, "My weapons specialist, Ironhide."

Gears and Pistons | | Bayverse | | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now