"I don't think she'll let him back in after this." Molly said. "She was really upset earlier and everything."

"I think she just doesn't want to be made a fool of, but then I also think she just wants to be loved. She wants to meet someone who liked her for who she is and not just because she's the most honest one in here."

"Yeah I thought that as well."

I could hear her giving him short word answers and then she came back over to us.

"How was it?" I asked.

"I don't really know. I think we just had a chat and I didn't we're leaving it there to be honest."

"So you're not going back to him?"

"Oh no and I was never going to, mo matter what he said to me just then. I have more self rest then that."



I was on the daybed later with Tommy when I heard Maura gasp behind us.

"Hey guys." I heard and turned to find Caroline there. "Are you having a good night?"

"Well We was till you came."

"Ha Ha. Well please can you all gather around the fire pit for me?"

I grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him over with me. "Everything's going to be fine."

"We're good." He placed a kiss on my temple.

I sat down and then Caroline turned to us all and made us stand.

"Islanders I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm here. I've got some very important news for you. The public have been voting for their favourite couple. Three couples have been saved by the public and the remaining islanders are all at risk of leaving the island tonight."

"I'm now going to reveal the three couples who are safe and will continue their stay on the island."

"The first couple safe is...... Anton and Lucie. Anton come and stand on my left, Lucie on my right.

"The second couple safe is Amber and Michael."

"The Third And final couple safe is Georgia and Tommy."

"Congratulations Guys."

"Thank you." I whispered and Tommy gave me a hug before we both moved to where we should be.

"So Arabella And Danny, Maura and Tom, Molly-Mae and Jordan and Amy and Curtis you have received the fewest votes from the public and are all now vulnerable. Two of you will leave the island tonight, and that decision is not made by the public but by your fellow Islanders."

"You must now decide who stays and who is dumped. Boys you must dump either Arabella, Molly-Mae, Maura or Amy."

"Girls you must dump with Tom, Jordan, Curtis or Danny. Please now deliberate your decision."

"So we're definitely not sending Jordan or Curtis home are we." Amber said. "Them two are in serious relationships and I know they would be devastated to go home."

"I agree and those two bring so much to the villa. It would be sad to see them go."

"So Danny?" Lucie said. "I know he hasn't had the easiest time in here but he does bring a lot to the villa I think."

"Yeah. I just don't know whether he even knows what he wants yet."

"Yeah I don't think he's handled certain situations well at all." Amber agreed with me.

"Tom?" I asked.

"Again I don't think he's made my life easy for himself. I mean in this please word is always going to spread and nothings a secret for long."

"But is it just that he hasn't found that certain person yet."

"Maybe I don't know."

"So who are we going for?" I asked them.

"I would go Danny." Amber said.

"I would go Tom. So Georgia it's up to you."

"Islanders it's time for you to give your decisions. Girls who have you decided to send home."

"This has not been an easy decision and in the end I think it just went down to who we have jelled with and who makes the biggest impact in here." I told them. "But the person we want to dump is Tom."

"Boys who are you dumping?"

"Again it was hard and I think in the end we went for the same reasoning as the girls. We just thought who would we miss the most if they left and who takes the time to get to know us boys and not just speak to who they're cracking on with." Tommy said. "So we've decided to send home Arabella."

"Arabella And Tom your time on the island is over. You have thirty minutes to pack your bags and say goodbye."

"I'm so sorry." I said and gave Tom a hug.

"No I understand. You girls had every right to pick me."

"Bye Arabella." I said and gave her a quick hug before moving to the bedroom as they packed up all their stuff.

I can't say I'll miss Arabella but I do believe she has been unlucky in here. Her and Danny were just beginning to get somewhere and then this happens. Tom I do believe he has a heart of gold in there somewhere, he just didn't really get a chance to show it.

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Sorry for the rubbish and later update.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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