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Taeyong's eyes fluttered open, his sight blinded by the orange tinted light illuminating the room which he shortly identified as the school's infirmary. The indistinct sound of music emitted from beside Taeyong. He turned his head to the sound and there was Jaehyun, airpods in, fast asleep at bedside. Taeyong slowly pushed himself up, his head feeling cloudy and dizzy and his own motion caused him to notice the IV drip that latched his arm.

The abrupt sound of the mat seemed to have caused Jaehyun to wake as his eyes slowly batted open shortly after Taeyong had moved. Upon seeing Taeyong awake, he removed the airpods from his ears and leaned to Taeyong,"You okay?"

Taeyong rather replied to the question with his own,"What happened?"

"You passed out during physical exams. Apparently it was dehydration. Me and Doyoung wanted to call an ambulance but, the school didn't want to risk a lawsuit from your parents."

Taeyong mentally laughed, "My dad caring enough to file a lawsuit. That's funny."

"It's fine. Where's Doyoung then?"

"He was here not long ago. His parents forced him home though."

A temporary silence filled the room. Jaehyun clicked his tongue, out-of-nowhere stated,"I want to know more about you, Taeyong."

Taeyong rested his hands over his lap,"Like what?"

"Hm, like your birthday, your favorite color, what you like to do, what you like to eat, your favorite subject. It's stupid but, that type of stuff."

He ran his hands over sleeves,"My birthday is July first, I like the color pink, watching movies and listening to music. I like green tea ice cream and my favorite subject is art, I guess. It's mediocre and frankly boring, I know."

Jaehyun softly laughed,"It's interesting, not boring."

Taeyong's eyes softened and perhaps even for a second gleamed. His sight wandered to the clock over the door frame and realized how late it had gotten,"You should head home now. I would assume your parents are wondering where you are."

"Okay but, then what about you?"

Taeyong blatantly stated,"I'll walk home."

"After you passed out today? No. I'll drive you or at least take a bus."

"I'm fine," Taeyong moved his legs towards the edge of the cot and pushed himself up only to stumble over himself.

Jaehyun grasped Taeyong's arm before he could fall any lower,"You're not fine. I'm driving you home, you don't have a choice."


After a short drive filled with not a single conversation and music on low volume, they had pulled in front of Taeyong's house. Taeyong stammered,"Thanks," before lifting himself out of the car. With a minimal limp, Taeyong dragged himself to the entrance of the house, turning his back away from Jaehyun, he sheepishly smiled and softly waved before slipping into the house.

The house was dark for the most part, Taeyong figuring his father might be out on a run for more cigarettes or beer. He didn't stall and went straight upstairs to his room where he dropped his backpack next to the door and changed. He looked at himself in the reflection of his mirror, his fingers softly brushing over the concealed black eye and a hiss of pain following after.

The bruises on his legs and arms had begun to darken and blotch only specific parts of his body. Rather than resting, he ignored the dizziness and pounding in his head and finished his homework. He took five 'Dulcolax' tablets before laying down, around the same time he heard his father return and slept.


Taeyong was awoken by the uncomfortable and painful bowel movements caused by the laxatives. Meaning he spent most of the morning shifting constantly in bed and getting up at specific times to use the bathroom.

Afterwards, he hurriedly changed into something simple and head to the store for he had a shift that Saturday morning. Anything, even a job he dreaded, was better than hearing his father's voice and smelling the dreadful scent of tobacco.


The temperature of the meat isle made the hairs on his arms stand up through his thin long sleeve. He finished stocking the last shipment of meat, leaving him a fourty-five minute break.

Instead of a small lunch like most would prefer, he spent the break, earphones in, head hung down and possibly dozing off. Well, not like some wouldn't prefer a small nap during break rather than lunch.


Taeyong hung the uniformed apron he was required to wear during shifts. The time read a quarter past five, ending Taeyong's shift for that specified day. He left the store without a word to anyone and walked around the nearby stores, shortly loitering in front of a couple food joints, contemplating if he should eat or not. He doubted he'd be able to compress his guilt trip and urge afterwards, ultimately leaving the answer a 'no'.

He wandered around a little longer, eventually ending up in a cafe where he proceeded to ask the employees,"How many calories does it have?," for any drink he debated on buying.


Jaehyun dribbled the basketball down the streetlight illuminated  park court, shooting it into the basket at the end. Doyoung scrolled through his phone while sitting at the concrete bench beside the court.

Jaehyun rested the ball over his palm and effortlessly shot it in the basket,"Do you think it's weird Taeyong asked for gym pants yesterday?"

Doyoung looked up from his phone,"What do you mean?"

He tossed the ball between his own hands while conversing,"Everyone was aware it was hot that day and even if he didn't know we had physical exams, who would want to run laps completely covered?"

"Maybe a technique to burn more calories. He just wasn't hydrated so it went wrong. Either way, It's ultimately the teacher's fault for not listening to you. I can't believe they're not firing her."

Jaehyun threw the ball upward only for it to ricochet against the lining of the basket,"Maybe you're right."


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