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Taeyong popped three 'Dulcolax' tablets in his mouth before exiting the bathroom and back to his work. He worked part-time at a grocery store; mainly restocking shelves and helping customers find specific items. He hated the job but, anything would be better than spending his time at the house with his father. The only part of the job that he liked was the payment, which was usually spent on more laxatives or diuretics. 

He tucked his fingers under the edges of one of the many, hefty boxes and carried it over to the canned goods isle. The buzzing of the lights was the only thing keeping silence from consuming as he stocked the cans in their designated place. He kept one earbud in his ear to keep him from falling into boredom's hands completely.

A busy whistled tune interrupted the buzzing lights and entered the isle and passed behind Taeyong. He placed the last can in the shelf before picking up the empty box with one hand and stacking it with the rest. His eyes wandered to the general clock on the wall, realizing it was already the end of his shift for the day. He strolled to the break room where he clocked out, not bothering to say goodbye to any one in the store.


Taeyong silently walked through the blatantly familiar cement roads on the way back to his house. The yellow street lights hummed while they illuminated the regularly noisy streets.

After what now seemed like a measly stroll, Taeyong arrived at his doorstep. Luckily for him, his father was still out either finishing his shift, it was a surprise that he even really had a job, or buying more alcohol and cigarettes. Not that it mattered. As long as Taeyong could avoid conflict, him not being present wasn't something worth worrying about at all.

Taeyong locked the front door once inside and headed straight upstairs. He quickly went inside his room, grabbing a clean pair of lounging clothes and entering the bathroom where he turned on the shower and immersed himself in the cold water.


The yellow, number two pencil intertwined between Taeyong's fingers as he used any method possible to cure his boredom. Though he did become slightly ecstatic when he realized nothing had been consumed all day; well, besides laxatives. He fumbled around with his phone, contemplating on whether a quick conversation with Jaehyun was a good idea.

Ultimately deciding there really wasn't much else to do, Taeyong picked up his half-charged phone and went straight for the contacts.


uh not tryna to be a nuisance, im just really bored

And quicker than expected, a reply was received.

Jaehyun: What do you want me to do to "cure" your boredom?

Jaehyun: I'm kinda bored too so don't expect much

This conversation seemed to not go anywhere as time passed, yet it continued to go on for over an hour.

Jaehyun: You can buy eyelashes but you can't buy eyebrows

Jaehyun: Oh shit, I have homework

Taeyong hazily leaned against his fist, simultaneously typing with his opposite hand.

wyd go do it

i'll blame myself if the teacher chews you out

Jaehyun: You turned out to be enjoyable to talk to, what can I do?

i'll excuse myself then so you don't get whipped


Jaehyun: :(( Bye

Taeyong turned his phone screen off. He clutched his abdomen with one arm as the 'Dulcolax' tablets began to cause immensely painful stomach cramps and bowel movements. He withstood the pain though as it was nothing too unusual when taking stimulate laxatives.

A slurred voice emitted from downstairs,"Taeyong, come down here and get me a beer."

Before Taeyong replied to his father's request; or more so command, he stared confusingly at his phone clock. Only until checking the time did he realize how protracted the conversation with Jaehyun was. Not to mention how the conversation captivated him so much that he didn't subconsciously acknowledge his father's deafening presence.

Taeyong scooted himself off his seat, hesitantly wrapping his nimble fingers around the cold metal of the knob and twisting it. He silently but hurriedly walked down the steps and scrambled to the kitchen where he grabbed a single beer bottle from the fridge and rushed over to his father who was occupied with trying to light his cigarette. His father sneered as he snatched the cold glass from Taeyong's trembling hand. He achieved in finally lighting the cigarette in which he inhaled the toxic smoke once before setting his arm down on the rest, allowing "shavings" of the tobacco to land on the heavily stained carpets.


Taeyong entered the school with a tired expression on his face. As usual, he paid attention to almost no one and enteredthe classroom without a nuisance. Jaehyun and Doyoung entered side-by-side, Taeyong doing the bare minimum when it came to acknowledging them.

Jaehyun adjourned his own conversation with Doyoung,"Morning, Taeyong."

"Hmm," he hummed in response.

Taeyong straightened his back, the small gesture cause the collar of his sweater to lower. Jaehyun fixated his line of slight to Taeyong, his eyes wandering to a specific spot on his neck. As he set down his backpack and pulled out his chair, he questioned,"What happened to your neck?"

Taeyong slapped his hand over the spot he knew Jaehyun was talking about and sheepishly smiled,"I just went for a stroll last night and it was slightly humid so there were some mosquitoes."

Jaehyun softly nodded in response.

In all truth, Taeyong hadn't been out for a stroll, he'd been used as a "coping tool" rather, leaving him covered with fresh bruises and few cigarette burns.

Taeyong pulled his collarup over his collarbone and sank into the barley comfortable wooden chairs. Just peeking out of his eye, he watched Jaehyun comb through his hair with his fingers and tiredly sigh. The fact that this simple gesture was surprisingly attractive left no need for explanation on why Jaehyun was a heartthrob. Taeyong could understand that much.


The day carried on as usual, leaving the last class of the day, much dreaded physical education, the last agenda. Which as usual Taeyong ditched or made an excuse as to why he couldn't attend. Sure, if it carried on he might not be able to graduate high school but, for the sake of the bruises he didn't comply.

During the time everyone remained preoccupied with p.e., Taeyong stayed put in the library. He flipped through the books that were left on the table, trying to keep himself from falling into boredom which seemed to not be working.

Taeyong glanced at his phone. Upon seeing school was to be dismissed within a score of minutes, Taeyong clutched his backpack strap over his shoulder and left early without a word.


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