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Jaehyun dribbled the orange striped ball, the momentum curved the ball in his grasp before he tossed it to one of his many teammates who made it in the stringed basket. The basketball coach's whistle blew followed by his hands clapping,"Okay, good practice today."

The team stood there tiredly, some bending down grasping their knees and some wiping the sweat off their hairline.

"There'll be no practice tomorrow 'cause of physical exams. Unless you want the court to yourself after school, be my guest. Clean up after yourselves, though. I don't wanna hear complaining from the other teachers, got it."

The responses were mixed with different terms but simply, they all compiled. Afterwards, the team dispersed. Doyoung approached Jaehyun from off the bleachers, throwing a white hand towel at him. Jaehyun snatched the tower from midair and brought it to his red tinted cheeks.

"I'm gonna shower here instead today. You can head home, no need to wait for me."

"Oh, thank God." Doyoung tightened his backpack around his shoulder and strolled towards the gym exit,"See you tomorrow."


It took a prolonged time before Taeyong could achieve the task of getting ready the following morning. He'd spent most of the morning using a nude colored palate of eyeshadow to cover the black eye be received the previous night. His father usually never went for the face but, better to be safe than sorry. 

Rather than eating, Taeyong barely contemplated with idea of fasting for the next one or two days and took a 'Diurex' pill that day. His body simply ached with every movement, enough where he spared a bit of change to use public transportation instead.


Stepping off the bus, Taeyong bit on his own cheek trying to conceal the pain as the steps were causing discomfort in his left, injured ankle. He walked only about an eighth of mile from the bus stop to the entrance of the school.

Upon entering the building, at first glance it almost seemed as if everyone was absent. Though it was only due to everyone having already been seated in class as the bus actually resulted in Taeyong arriving at a later time.

He tried not to attract much attention of anyone inside the classes, quietly and quickly he shoved his tattered backpack into his locker and took only select few books. He made his way over to his designated class where he was greeted with the stares of almost everyone when he slid open the door, despite him doing it fairly quietly.

"Taeyong, you're late," the voice of the teacher intervened in the silence, painted with a tone of impatience.

Taeyong tightly shut his eyes, a sense of dizziness emitted most likely from the 'Diurex',"I'm sorry."

"Doesn't matter, sit down."

He silently obeyed, not noticing Jaehyun's eyes panning over him and catching a glance at the bandaid on his neck. Jaehyun hung his head down enough to where his brunette locks covered his eyes, allowing him to look at Taeyong without really being noticed. Some might call the action creepy but, he was generally concerned.

While the teacher wasn't looking, Jaehyun silently bent towards Taeyong. He barely reached the boy's shoulder, slightly tapping on it. He pointed to his own neck to mirror Taeyong and mouthed,"What happened?"

Taeyong forced a smile, softly whispering back,"I just walked past a branch and it gashed me."

Jaehyun nodded in response then pulled himself back up to his seat. The gesture of concern grasped Taeyong's attention but not before Jaehyun had whispered something to Doyoung and, perhaps commenting on the way Taeyong was limping.

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