Chapter 16

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A/N: Emotional chapter. Excuse any mistakes please


As soon as I felt I could get away without being spotted by Esther or Finn, I made my way to the bedroom. I needed to grab a bag and get the hell out of the house as quickly as possible. I tossed one of my duffle bags on the bed and hurried around the room grabbing the few things I needed and threw them in. I changed into jeans and a t-shirt and was tying my shoes when Nik came into the room, closing the door behind him.

He lit a bundle of sage and placed it in the bowl next to our bed. For a long moment he just looked at me, his gaze running over me as if he were memorizing my features. "I don't like this, Cassie." His voice was low, his tone troubled.

I stood and grasped his arms to anchor myself. The truth was I didn't like it either. But when the big bad hybrid was unsettled, it was my job to reassure him. "I don't like that we're going to be separated, but that house is the safest place I can be in this town. And even if Esther does suspect something, right now I'm just a human who has a tendency to get herself in trouble. I'll be fine."

He swallowed. "Promise me."

I frowned and he pressed his forehead against mine before taking a deep breath. "Promise me that you'll be okay, Cassie. I lost you once. I can't do it again."

"I already told you that you're stuck with me. You aren't going to lose me. I'd never let you off that easily." I kissed him then and he returned it with an urgency that unsettled me. As much as I appreciated the fact he was comfortable enough with me to let me see his vulnerability, when he worried, so did I.

"I should go," I said as I pulled away.

"Yeah." He took a step back to put a little space between us and licked his lips. "I love you, little witch. Be careful."

"I love you, too." I grabbed my bag and pressed one more small kiss against to his cheek as I passed by. I opened the door and peered into the hall, my gaze quickly finding Kol where he leaned against the wall closer to the stairs. He nodded to let me know it was clear.

Before I could step out of the room, the heavy weight of my bag was taken from me. I glanced back to find Nik hovering behind me with a grim expression. "I'm taking you to the house."

"We decided that wasn't a good idea," I argued though I would be happy to have him with me as long as I could.

"No. I reluctantly agreed not to stay at the house with you. I said nothing about escorting you. Now, come on and let's get out of here." His free hand grasped mine as he passed by me. I followed his lead through the house only stopping when we reached the front door to find Elijah waiting for us.

His dark eyes darted between the two of us. "Be careful," he said before handing me a bag with the grimoires I'd selected from the library along with several other items. I glanced up in question. "Items Kol thought might come in handy."

I gave him a quick hug of gratitude. "Love you, Elijah."

That got a smile from him. "I love you as well, little sister. Now, hurry. Time grows short before you are discovered."

Nik pulled me from the house before I even had a chance to say anything else. We were in the car and a mile down the road when I broke the silence. "You know I would do anything to protect my family, right?"

He glanced over in surprise and put a hand on my leg. "Of course, but why do you mention it?"

"Because when I get my magic back, I will find a way to kill your mother. For good this time. I'm sorry if the rest of your family hates me for that."

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