Chapter 12

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When I woke, I was laying on the couch with my head in Nik's lap while he held one of my hands. "Hello, love," he said as my eyes fluttered open. The smile he gave me had no happiness behind it and I knew instantly whatever was wrong went beyond me passing out.

"What happened?"

He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Do you recall what you said earlier to Elijah and I about not remembering whether or not you ate?"

I was completely confused for half a second. I never said anything about not eating. And then it hit me. The odd inflection he placed on the word remembering.

"I do hope she is all right, Niklaus." Esther. The Original witch bitch was here.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as Nik ran his thumb along my skin in a comforting gesture. Once I was certain I had composed myself I turned so I could see the rest of the room. My gaze took in each of the siblings in turn before finally coming to rest on Esther. "Who is this, Nik?"

He squeezed your hand. "Cassidy, this is Esther. My mother."

I widened my eyes in feigned surprise and tried to sit up.

She waved a hand through the air and gave a sickeningly sweet smile. "Don't sit up on my account, child. It is obvious that you need your rest."

The weak smile I gave her would hopefully have her thinking I was feeling far worse than I actually was. "Thank you. That's very kind of you."

"I believe I should take Cassidy to bed, Mother. She still looks rather pale to me."

She pursed her lips. "Of course, Niklaus, though I do hope to spend more time with her."

"I'm sure she would enjoy that," he answered with a fake smile. He nudged my shoulder so I would sit up.

I continued to play the invalid and let him help me to my feet. He swept me up in his arms and I bit my lip to keep from complaining. It was all part of the show. "Elijah, fetch my fiancée something to eat and bring it upstairs if you would?"

"Of course, brother. Anything for our beloved Cassidy."

I let out the breath that had caught when Nik called me his fiancée. These two were certainly laying it on a bit thick. I thought two men that had been alive for a thousand years would be better actors. If the looks Rebekah was giving them were any indication, I wasn't the only one that thought so.

When we reached our bedroom, Nik sat me down and began to pace the floor. I snatched my phone from my pocket and set up a group chat between me and my two favorite Mikaelsons.

What the actual fuck is going on?

Nik pulled out his phone and frowned at it before rolling his eyes at me. I gave him wide eyes and pointed at my ear. Anything we said could be heard by anyone else in the house. He didn't acknowledge the gesture, but he texted back so he must have agreed.

N: Why would I know any more than you at this point?

C: Because I passed out????

E: You are the one that kept mother's corpse.

I snorted a laugh and Nik glared at me. A sharp knock at the door interrupted. Elijah entered without waiting for anyone to answer. He smiled at me, humor dancing in his eyes as he put the plate in his hand on the table near the door. His attention returned to his phone.

E: What are we going to do about this?

N: I have Maddox looking into it.

C: I bet if I kill her I could get my magic back.

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