Chapter 3

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When my morning started, I certainly hadn't anticipated stomping through the woods in search of werewolves. My hybrid boyfriend was currently giving me a piggy back ride after making one too many snarky remarks about how slow humans were. He had refused to leave me behind for the length of time this journey was likely to take though I had all but begged. I'd just have to trust him to protect me. While Nik carried me, my head rested on his back though I would occasionally press a kiss to his cheek. Stefan carried the wolf they'd tracked down. Nik had fed the wolf his blood and broke his neck but the man had yet to wake up.

Nik came to a stop and lowered me to the ground. It took me a moment before I heard the sound of voices. I peered around his side to see a group of people setting up camp not too far from us. He placed a hand on my arm and gently pushed me back behind his body. "Stay here until we've properly greeted our friends, all right love?" I didn't offer a response, but I knew he wasn't really expecting one.

I hid myself behind a tree and kept watch. Stefan dropped Ray to the ground in the midst of his friends. He landed with a hard enough thud that it had me cringing in sympathy. Not that he was likely to feel it, he was technically dead after all. The other wolves justifiably panicked, demanded answers. When Nik announced who he was, the panic remained but the noise quieted immediately.

It was then that Ray woke. One of the campers was the human boyfriend of one of the wolves and Nik compelled him to act as dinner. It hadn't even occurred to me to question what Nik had intended to feed them to help them transition. Hell, knowing him his initial plan was to let them run wild and find their own food. As much as I loved Nik, I had to admit he lacked forethought sometimes.

"Cassie," he called. "You can come out now, love."

I tried my best to keep my gaze locked on him rather than the bodies that littered the ground around us. He'd made quick work of the wolves. As if sensing my unease, he hooked a hand around the back of my neck and pulled me into his chest. He made soothing sounds as he nuzzled against the side of my head.

"They're dead. They're all dead."

The sudden outburst had me pulling back in surprise. Nik turned to face Ray who was now on his feet and crouched, an angry scowl pulling his features.

"It's your fault. You killed them," he yelled.

Nik tilted his head as he stepped in front of me, casually placing himself between the raving hybrid and myself. "Easy, mate. Calm down. They'll be right as rain in no time. You'll see." He held a hand in front of him in a calming gesture and took a step in Ray's direction. "You'll all be much better off. No longer a slave to the moon. Won't that be freeing?"

If the way Ray snarled and ran off was any indication, he wasn't convinced by Nik's spiel. "Bloody hell," he grumbled, just audible enough for me to catch it. "Stefan, do you mind?"

Stefan's mouth quirked as if he was amused. "Yeah, I got it."

As he ran off the wolves slowly began to wake. Nik moved the poor human around to feed them one at a time, then he would offer his own blood to the human so he could heal before continuing the cycle. I was so caught up in watching him, I barely heard the crack of a branch breaking to my left. I glanced toward the sound to see a woman with her attention focused solely on me.

"Nik?" I did my best to keep my voice calm as if that would somehow keep the werewolf from making me her meal.

"Yes, love? I'm a bit busy." He sounded distracted but I didn't dare take my eyes from the woman to check.

Before I could make another move the werewolf lunged at me, flashing yellow eyes and fangs. A scream tore from my throat and I closed my eyes bracing for the impact there was no time to avoid. When nothing happened, I opened them to find Nik holding the woman by the throat. His entire body was tense and his face showed that quiet fury that made him so terrifying. "Now that's not very nice," he said, his voice sharp.

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