Chapter 6

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"We're home," Stefan announced as the car pulled to a stop.

I had never been happier to hear two words in my entire life. Months of driving around the country staying in one hotel after another had not been the most ideal way to spend my summer. Being with Nik had made it bearable but I was ready to sleep in my own bed. He got out of the car first and offered me a hand.

With a grin, he took me by the shoulders and turned me toward the house. Standing in the doorway awaiting our arrival was none other than the elegant Original himself. Nik gave me a gentle push in his direction. I hurried across the yard and launched myself into Elijah's open arms.

He chuckled and hugged me tight. "Hello, Cassie. It is good to see you."

"I thought you had business."

He hummed in agreement. "It was brought to my attention my presence was needed elsewhere."

The clearing of a throat interrupted me before I could say anything else. Rebekah stood nearby with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. "Would you mind if I said hello to my brother, witch?"

"Rebekah," Nik all but growled behind her.

I shook my head. "It's fine." I stepped back leaving the way open for the bitchy blonde. I didn't get far before Nik wrapped his arms around me from behind and tugged me against his chest.

"I get the feeling your sister doesn't like me much, Nik."

"Whatever would give you that idea, love?" he asked with a chuckle. "Give her time. She'll come to care for you soon enough. She's a bit prickly."

I didn't say anything to that. I twisted in his hold and looped my arms around his neck. "I'm so glad to be home." My lips brushed his as I spoke.

He took advantage of our position to pull me into a deep kiss. Before we could get really carried away, we were once again interrupted by the clearing of a throat. I started to pull away but was stopped by Nik's hand on the back of my head. His fingers threaded through my hair as he sucked and nipped at my bottom lip.

"It's time to get my necklace back, Nik. You promised," Rebekah announced.

I pulled away with a groan. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before glaring at his sister. "I am beginning to remember why I left you in that box for ninety years."

I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing at the expression on her face and pushed Nik in her direction. "Just go. I'll stay here with Elijah."

He glanced at his brother to get a confirming nod. "Come along, Cassie. You can tell me all about your summer."

I paused at the door for one last look at Nik, smiling as I watched him and Rebekah bicker.


A warm hand running up my spine pulled me from slumber. I groaned and rolled over to greet Nik with a sleepy smile. "Hello, great and mighty hybrid."

He flashed a grin as he trailed fingers across my belly and leaned forward to give me a kiss. "Hello, love."

"Did Elena give your sister her necklace back?"

"In a manner of speaking," he said with a tilt of his head.

"Which means?"

"She ripped it from the doppelganger's neck but yes, she got it back. Your friend Tyler asked me to make him a hybrid as well."

I pushed myself up with my elbows. "What the hell, Nik. Anything else happen in the brief amount of time you've been gone?"

"Nothing you need worry about." He handed me my phone from the nightstand. "You're blinking."

After swiping to wake up the phone I found several texts from my uncle. Ric went on an absolute tirade about Damon and what an asshole he was. It took me a minute but I finally figured out what happened. Wait...I reread everything.

Nik chuckled. "You look utterly confused. What's happened?"

"Near as I can make out, Damon killed Ric but he has wearing that gaudy ring that brings him back to life. Apparently, Damon was pissed off and he knew Ric would come back so that's supposed to make it all right." I passed him back my phone. "I'll talk to him tomorrow."

I sank back into my pillow with a sigh. "I know I said I was happy to be home, but there's so much drama in this town, Nik."

"I blame the Salvatores personally."


After that things were quiet for a while. We lived in the house with Elijah and Rebekah, who I avoided as much as possible. Stefan lived at the boarding house though he was at the mansion more often than not. Maddox was staying in the guest room and we combed through grimoires searching for an answer to unbinding my magic. Not that we had much luck.

Damon was apparently dating Elena. Maybe. That one still wasn't clear and neither of them would give a straight answer. It was driving Jenna insane. Who in turn was making Ric nuts who would then complain to me. This being Mystic Falls, it didn't take long before our luck ran out.

"Elena Gilbert asked me about Mikael today," Rebekah announced one afternoon when she arrived home.

Elijah, Nik and I were sitting in the living room and turned our attention to the blonde. "Would you repeat that please?" Nik asked.

Fear shone from her eyes. "They know about Mikael and they know where he's hidden."

That got both brothers to their feet while I stayed on the couch as my chest grew tight. Facing Mikael with me powerless was too big of a risk. We'd already discussed it at length. It had never occurred to us that someone else would find him and use him against us.

"Are you certain they know his location?" Elijah asked.

"It seemed like it."

"We need more information," I said. "Why did she approach you?"

Her gaze found Nik's. "They found our cave."

He waved a hand through the air as if it was unimportant. "They can't possibly interpret what's carved there, Rebekah. That language is ancient."

"Well, they figured out enough to ask about Mikael." Elijah was clearly more bothered by this development than his brother.

"You should meet with her."

All eyes turned to me.

"Excuse me?" Rebekah asked.

"Meet with her. Find out what she knows."

"Why don't you meet with her? She is your cousin," she retorted.

Elijah pursed his lips. "No. Cassie is right. The fact they didn't come to her before you says they don't trust her. Not with this. Which leads me to think they are plotting against Niklaus. I trust you have been complaining about him as much as you typically do. They probably believe you will aid them."

She looked between all of us before rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone. "Fine. I'll have her meet me at Stefan's."

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