Chapter 11

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Stefan was a good friend, and he was also a smart friend. That is to say, he dropped me off at home then promptly left. I didn't try sneaking in. There was no point. I lived with vampires. And I was a grown woman. I was allowed to do as I pleased. Or so I kept telling myself.

Elijah came to greet me before I even had the front door closed behind me. "Hello, Cassie. How lovely to see you today."

I arched a brow at his formal tone and his lips twitched.

"Are you mad?" came from deeper in the house and Elijah gave into his grin.

He gave me a nod and returned to the living room. I wondered how big of a tantrum Nik had thrown when he'd found my note. When he peered at me from the top of the stairs I gave him a little wave. "Hello, Nik."

If anything, his scowl deepened. "Are you going to answer my question?"

I tilted my head. "What question?"

He narrowed his gaze and started down the stairs. "Are. You. Mad?"

I pursed my lips in thought before shrugging. "Not particularly. I'm actually in pretty good mood today. Thank you for asking."

Elijah's laugh drifted in from the living room though he quickly tried to cover it with a cough.

"Not angry. Mad. Insane. Crazy. What would possibly possess you to go off without either myself or Elijah?" He was doing his best to keep his voice level and I took pity on him when I saw the flash of worry in his eyes.

I sighed and put my things on the entry table. "Don't be dramatic, Nik. I left you a note. I was with Stefan and you could have tracked my phone if you were really that concerned. I appreciate your protective streak but I had it covered."

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I believe we covered this, Cassie. There will never be a time that I do not worry about you. I would appreciate it if you gave me less reason to do so."

I closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head against his chest. He held me tightly and kissed the top of my head. Finally, I pulled back to look at him. "Look, if you promise to try and give me room to breathe, I promise to be more transparent about what I'm up to. Deal?"

He hummed which I chose to take as agreement. I released him and put a little space between us. "Damon left three coffins in the house. He doesn't know what happened to the third. He thinks Bonnie may know."

Nik rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Of course. The witch."

I glared at the tone in his voice. "Watch how you say that word, hybrid."

I wasn't buying the innocent face he pulled for a moment but decided to ignore it for the time being. He was only trying to get a rise out of me anyway. "Bonnie should be easier to track than the coffin."

Before he could respond, the front door flew open. In seconds, Nik and Elijah were both standing between myself and the threat, whatever it may be. I couldn't see past them so I would just have to take my cues from them.

"Our brothers insisted on seeing you. Both of you," Rebekah said. Rather than relaxing, tension straightened the spines of the men in front of me. Super.


"Hello, Kol."

"I'm sure you didn't expect to see us up and around." Pure venom laced through the voice and put me even more on edge. Nik really needed to quit daggering his siblings.

"Actually, Niklaus was the one who insisted on undaggering you upon Mikael's death." Elijah was trying to smooth things between them. He never would have allowed them to stay daggered, either.

"Yes, Rebekah mentioned father's passing. So you've managed to kill both of our parents now, Niklaus. You must be so pleased with yourself." That was a new voice and I didn't care for his attitude. Trying to make Nik feel guilty for ridding the world of Esther and Mikael was absurd.

I hadn't thought it possible for Nik's shoulders to get any tighter, but they did exactly that. "I did what needed to be done."

"Oh, don't start that. That's your excuse for everything. You don't get to decide what is necessary all on your own anymore, Niklaus. We won't allow it." That was Kol again.

When Nik and Elijah both remained silent, I was finished. I stepped out from behind Nik's back and took in the three Originals in front of me. Rebekah's eyes widened slightly as she took me in and her gaze darted from her brothers on either side of her before coming back to me.

"Well, hello, darling," said the shorter of the two. He was dark. Dark hair, dark eyes and a wickedness behind his smirk that spoke of evil intentions. His eyes ran over me from top to bottom. "Who might you be?"

"This is Cassidy Grimes. She is off limits," Nik bit out from beside me. He looped an arm around my waist and tugged me against his side.

Kol's brows shot up. "Off limits? Since when does Niklaus Mikaelson declare anyone off limits?"

"Since Cassidy," Elijah said. His voice had taken on a harsh edge as well.

Kol prowled closer. "Surely you realize that only makes her more intriguing."

"Enough, Kol." It was Rebekah that spoke this time and my eyes found hers in surprise. "Leave her alone."

He tilted his head as if I was a puzzle he couldn't figure out. After a long stretch where everyone but him seemed on edge, he shrugged and moved back. "Very well, sister. I was only teasing."

My gaze moved from him to the taller, quieter brother that had merely stood observing this whole time. Catching me watching him, he gave a little bow of his head. "Finn Mikaelson."

Of everyone in his family, Nik had spoken the least about the eldest brother. I had no reason to dislike him, but I did just the same. Something about the man just didn't sit right with me.

"Perhaps we should move into the living room and discuss this like a civilized family," Elijah suggested.

I pressed my lips together to keep the smartass remark that was on the tip of my tongue from coming out. Being bitchy when I had my powers was one thing. Powerless, I'd rather not tempt trouble.

Nik steered me into the living room. Heat flooded my body and I came to an abrupt stop. My stomach twisted and I felt as if I would vomit at any moment. The room began to spin around me making me feel that much worse. My hand groped blindly looking for purchase, though Nik quickly grabbed mine with his own. "Cassie? What is wrong?"

The panic in his voice led me to believe that I must look about as bad as I felt. I opened my mouth to answer and everything went black.


Later I would learn that Nik caught me before I hit the ground. He laid me on the ground and knelt beside me as he tried to bring me around while the others looked on helplessly. Just as he was about to take me to a doctor, he heard a voice he had hoped to never hear again.


He froze, my hand still gripped in his and refused to look up. Seeing her would only make all this more real.

"Mother," Rebekah breathed out, denying him the ability to ignore the ghost in his presence any longer.

He remained knelt beside me as he looked up slowly to meet Esther's piercing gaze. Unfortunately, she wasn't a ghost at all. She was as solid as the day he ripped out her heart. She crossed the space between them and glanced between him and me. "Do you know why I am here, Niklaus?" she asked.

"Because you're a dumb bitch that doesn't know when to stay to dead?" he answered without thinking, his focus not easily pulled away from me in my distress.

Esther smacked him, the impact stinging his cheek and sending fury flooding through him. Elijah placed a hand on his brother's shoulder to keep him calm, lest he forget she was more than their mother. She was the Original witch.

Nik and his mother glared at each other a moment longer before she shifted her gaze to me. "The poor child. Whatever has happened to her?" She sounded concerned, but the small smirk on her face did not go unnoticed by either Nik or Elijah.

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