Chapter 13

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Cheyenne's PoV

"Congratulations Ms.Mizanin! You are all cancer free!" The doctor reveals. I just start crying. Phil hugs me and he has tears in his eyes.

We drive to Seth's to pick up Louis and tell Seth. We knock on the door and Ed answers. "Ed!" I yell and hug him. "Hey Chey! Louis has been a perfect little angel. Did you know that if you sing Small Bump to him he falls right asleep?" Ed asks all excitedly. I nod and he least us in. I walk in and find Seth watching football with Louis sound asleep on his chest. "I'm all free!" I whisper yell so Seth can hear me but Louis can't. He smiles. I can tell he is crying. Ed comes and hugs me and Phil asks, "What's Small Bump?". I face palm and Seth takes Louis and lays him on his bed between pillows so he doesn't fall. All of us adults go outside and I take a baby monitor. Ed tunes his guitar and begins to play.

You're just a small bump unborn in for months you're brought to life.

And by the time Ed is done, Phil has tears in his eyes.

"Hey Ed! Show em' what you're workin' on now!" Seth exclaims. Ed nods his head. Ed begins to play again.

Met this girl late last year she said "don't you worry if I disappear." I told her "I'm not really lookin' for another mistake." I called and old friend thinkin' that the trouble could wait

Then I jump right in and we play in return I reckon she was only lookin' for a lover to burn

But I gave her my time then I put it on pause until the moment was right.

He kept playing....

'Knock Knock Knock' on my hotel door. I don't even know if she knows what for

She was cryin' on my shoulder I already told ya trust and respect is what we do this for.

I never intended to be next. Still, tou didn't need to take him to bed that's all

And I never saw him as a threat. Until you disappeared with him to have sex of course.

Once he finishes the verse, Louis starts crying. I leave th men outside to talk and I go in and check on Louis. While I am giving him his bottle, Ed walks in the room. He stay at the door frame of Seth's bedroom. "Is it hard?" He asks me. "What?" I ask back. "Taking care of a baby? I was gonna help Katie but ya know. Small Bump." He answers. I smile. "Come here and sit down." I order him. He does as I say and sits next to me. I hand him Louis and he looks scared. I show him how to hold him, how to check the temperature of the milk, and how to give Louis brakes from drinking. I smile when Louis opens his eyes and smiles at Ed. I look up and smile at the two men standing in the door frame watching and smiling. Ed burps Louis and then I get Louis' diaper bag and change him. Ed thanked me, I thanked them for watching Louis and we left.

Once we got home, I unbundled Louis and went inside the house. Louis and I sat on the couch and I turn on Cutthroat Kitchen. Once that is over Louis was asleep so I turn on George Lopez. Phil was in the shower. Once Phil walks into the living room he orders me to go get ready. Phil has a match on RAW tonight and Louis and I are going.


Phil is in his match with Brad Maddox. Maddox keeps coming back, trying to become pro but it never works out.

Louis is in my arms when I slip on water and fall backwards. Someone catches me. "Cheyenne right? Seth talked about you all the time when we weren't fighting. Oh. I'm Dean." Dean tells me. "Talked? He doesn't talk about me anymore?" I ask Dean. "No not since he hit Roman and I with steel chairs. Cause ya know, he broke up the Shield." He tells me. "Oh. This is Louis!" I introduce him. "Like isn't that a name of a guy in a boy band?" Dean asks. "Yes but its cute. I've gotta go. Nice meeting you. Next time you see Seth or you try to steal his Money into the Bank briefcase,  beat him up and tell him I told you to do it." I joke with him and walk away. But again, as I walk past the women's rights locker room, I get pulled in. AJ kicks my legs and causes me to fall to the ground. She takes Louis. She ties me up to a pole and tapes my mouth. I tried screaming but all I could do is cry in fear for what she'll do the my baby.


Phil's PoV


AJ come out on stage after I win my match against Maddox. She has Louis. "Well, well, well. Mr. Punk, I beleive this should be our. This baby in my arms is meant to be mine. Cheyenne was meant to die and rot in hell! Louis is supposed to be my baby!" AJ yells. I just stare at her and wonder how she got the baby. One of the camera men hand me a mic. "AJ. Chill out. Tell me where you got the baby. Where is Cheyenne?" I ask. "Don't you worry your pretty little head off because she's fine." She tells me creepily. Just then, every single WWE Diva and Superstar comes out and forces AJ to give up the baby. Once he's in my arms I feel releived. Stephanie McMahon forces AJ to show her where Cheyenne is.

Once we get home, Cheyenne sobs and cradles Louis. I then give Vince a call. He tells me that AJ has been suspended for three weeks.

I tell Cheyenne to go to bed and she does as told. I follow her and we put Louis in his new bassinet in the corner of our room. While Cheyenne is sleeping she cries. Then she screams. I shake her. She opens her eyes and cries.


Cheyenne's PoV


I wke up as soon and Phil shakes me. "Cheyenne sweety, what were you dreaming about?" Phil asks. "Todd found me! Every time AJ takes Louis, I feel as if she's gonna take him to Todd!" I sob. What if she kidnapped him and took him to Todd? What if Todd kills Louis? Phil cuddles with me and I soon fall asleep.

I open my eyes. I look over and Phil is not beside me. I see a note on his pillow.


Louis and I went out. I decided to finish the rest of the things on the list. Call me if you need something. Love you!!


I get out of bed and call Phil. "Hey babe what's up?" Phil asks. "Oh. I just woke up. How's shopping?" I reply. "It was great. Louis and I stopped at Seth's. Wanna come over and all five of us can go get breakfast?" He offers. "Sure babe. Let me get dressed. Be there in an hour lobe ya bye." I tell him before hanging up.

While I'm in the shower I hear the front door close. I turn off the water. Someone passed by the bathroom door. I started calling Phil when the door swings open. "Hey slut! I've been looking for ya!" Todd yells. He grabs me and I drop my phone. I scream and kick against him.


Phil's PoV


"Hang on guys. Cheyenne's calling me." I told Seth, Ed, and Mike who just showed up. I heard a man's voice and Cheyenne's scream. "Cheyenne's in trouble! We need to get to my house now!" I yell.


Cheyenne's PoV


Todd tied my hands and feet to each corner of my bed. If am completely naked because I was only wearing a towel when Todd took me. "Todd, what do you want with me?" I firmly ask him. "You. I see you have a baby now. How old is he?" Todd asks me. "He's not even a month old. If you want to beat me beat me. If you wanna rape me rape me. Just don't hurt my son." I tell him. "Is this baby mine?" Todd's asks me. "Of course not. He's most definitely Phil's." I truthfully tell him. "Damn it! Don't lie to me girl!" He yells and then slaps me. My face is in pain. "I swear to god I'm not lying! If he was yours, he would've been born two months earlier!" I exclaimed. He sits on my stomach and after about three punches he stops. "You know why I love hurting you?" He asks. "Because your a dick?" I reply. He punches my face two more times. "Because you're a worthless whore!!" He exclaims and slaps my face. I then see him take a knife out of his pocket. He walks over to me and cuts my right wrist. Then my left. I wince in pain. I dont give him my tears though. He doesn't deserve to see me cry. He then sits on top of my hips and cuts my stomach. "Well I think my work here is done. Enjoy suffering!" Todd yells then leaves.

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