Chapter 12

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Cheyenne's PoV

When Phil and I got home last night, we mostly said I love you's and cried. I can tell he's sorry. I snap out of my daze because Phil shifts, rolls over and rubs my stomach. Right when his hand touches my mid sized bump, Louis kicks. I smile to myself and put my hand on top or Phil's. I rub circles with my thumb. Our cute moment has to end because I almost fall out of bed in pain. I couldn't make it to the bathroom five feat away. The pain felt unearthly. I held my stomach and cried as I vomited all over the floor. It feel like dying. I relax a little when Phil picks me up and sits down with me next to the toilet. He runs a warm bath and undresses me. I try to hide again. "Do you love me even though I'm fat?" I ask. He looked taken back and mad after I asked him. "I thought I told you not to hide yourself. You are not fat. You are just pregnant with our son." He argues. He lifts me up and sets me in the warm bath water. (Because you can't take hot baths wile pregnant) He then gets my shampoo and massages it onto my scalp. When he washes my body, he rubs my stomach and talks. "Hello in there. I'm your dad. I just want you to know I love you and im super scared. Oh Louis. I hope you look just like you mommy because if you look like me, you're screwed with the ladies." He jokes. "Then how did you get me?" I ask. "Pure luck!" He jokes. I playfully punch his shoulder. I feel a sharp pain in my rib are and I scream, "AAAAHHH!" and Phil knows something's wrong so he picks me up, put me in shorts and shirt and lays me in the back seat of his car.

Once we get to the hospital, Phil contacts Seth and Mike and let them know where we are. The doctors take my blood and put an IV in my wrist. Phil sits next to my hospital bed in a chair and hold my hand. "What if something's wrong with Louis! What if I'm in labor! What if he dies! I can't lose another one!" I sob. Phil hugs me and I fall asleep.

I open my eyes and see Phil asleep. His face is stained with tear streaks. I guess he feels me shift and opens his puffy, red eyes. He starts crying again. I put my left hand on my stomach, feeling my bump. "What's wrong?" I cry. "You have. Leukemia." He sobs. My heart drops. "The baby? Can I still have this baby?" I ask. "They can't insert the chemicals while you're pregnant. You can either have the baby now, at five months or get an abortion." Phil sobs again. "L-let's do it. This baby is gonna live! I promised him!" I exclaim.

About half an hour later, the doctor sends me into labor. I'm in so much pain. I squeeze Phil's hand and he winces in pain. They keep telling me to push but can't they see I am pushing. I'm pushing as hard as I can. I give one last push and I hear a soft cry. I have tears streaming down my face as Phil cuts the cord. They take Louis and Phil has tears in his eyes. "Where are they taking him?" I practically scream. "Shh. Shh. They have to go do blood tests and weigh him. You did it though. He's alive. You kept your promise." Phil assures me. I close my eyes and cry. "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die and leave Louis and you and Seth and Mike! This is not keeping my promise. I promised I'd protect him." I sob. The doctor then brings in Louis and says even though he's four months early Louis is perfectly healthy and we can take him home when he weighs five pounds.

Seth comes in while I'm holding Louis. "Hey. What's his name?" Seth asks. "Louis William Brooks. My angel." I reply. I break out into sobs. Seth sits on my bed and embraces me. I cry heavily on him. "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die and Louis won't have a mother! Somehow Todd always finds a way to hurt me!" I cry loud and hard. Phil comes and sits on the other side of the bed. I look at him and he hands me Louis. I kiss his forehead and he smiles. I think of Ed's song. I start singing.

Cause you were just a small bump unborn, for four months then brought to life.

Might be left with my hair but you'll have your mother's eyes.

I'll hold your body in my hands, be as gentle as I can but for now you're scared of my un made plans. A small bump in four months you're brought to life.

And I'll whisper quietly. Give you nothin' but truth. If you're not inside me. I'll put my future in you.

You are my one and only. You can wrap your fingers 'round my thumb and hold me tight.

I stop when he falls asleep. I cry quietly. "I'm sorry I can't watch you grow up." I whisper. He looks just like me. His ocean blue eyes and brown hair. I melt. "Todd can hurt me but he can't hurt you." I whisper quietly to Louis.

The Next Week

I had my first Chemo treatment two days ago. I'm in bed with Phil and Louis' in between us. We thought we had more time to do baby shopping but, ya know. The doctors say I'm doing remotely better. They say since they caught it early, I will live and I only have to take four more weeks of treatment. Sitting in a room alone with tubes pouring chemicals in you for an hour is very painful no matter what the doctors say. Things are starting to get better!

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