Chapter 4

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After I got home last night, Mike flipped out again and I locked myself in my room and sobbed for hours before falling asleep. Im backstage right now. AJ is in the ring with Bryan and Phil. Bryan and Phil are in a match for 'AJ's Heart'. Im just praying that Bryan wins. I can't let Mike prove me wrong again. My heart drops when I hear the bell ring and the static of Phil's theme song. "And the winner of this match is..CM Punk! " the announcer screamed. That was enough for me to run to my dressing room. The bad thing was, the tv in my dressing room only played the show's live feed. They kissed! Shoot me now. 'Bang Bang Bang' "Cheyenne open up! We've gotta talk." I heard Phil's voice calmly say outside of the door. Next thing I know I let him in. What am I doing? "Cheyenne listen." He tried. "Listen!? Listen! No you listen! I gave you all of me. My heart and soul, my pride and joy, but you played me! Mike was right. I never should've trusted you. I should've listened to all of my other exes! Nobody could ever love me! Im ugly! Im horrible to be around." I exclaimed falling down on my knees burying my face in my palms. "Hey. Chey, it was all fake. Vince set it up so AJ could get more publicity. Listen, I love you. Not AJ, not Eve, not even Brie Bella. I love you. And only you. Nothing is gonna change that." He revealed, sitting down beside me and wrapping his arms around me. His words weren't harsh like Todd's.


"You are worthless! No one will ever love a piece of shit like you!" Todd exclaimed kicking me in the stomach while I was lying on the floor in pain. "You're worthless! You should just kill yourself because no one will ever love you. No One!!" Todd yelled more while kicking me once more before everything went black.

{End of Flashback}

"Promise?" I whispered, my voice breaking at the end. "I swear to God. You are part of me and I'll never let you go." Phil promised me as he stood up and picked up my small, thin body. He sat me on the couch and sat down next to me. "I will always love your brown hair. I will always love your blue eyes. Your smile makes the sun shine. Your frown and tears bring storms. Please make it sunny." He said be for planting a kiss on my cheek. I looked up at him. Why does he love me? It's not going to last long. It never does. "Cheyenne. To the stage entrance. Cheyenne to the stage entrance." Stephanie McMahon's voice rang from the intercom speakers. "I thought you didn't have a match today." Phil said. "I don't" I truthfully replied. Then, we both looked at the television. "Oh look. I guess little boyfriend stealer is too scared to come and fight a real woman. Sigh I guess the WWE champion wants to date a little girl and not the Diva's Champion." AJ told the fans. "Chey? You going out there? Do you want me to come?" Phil asked. "Of course I am. And yes you can come." I replied. She got the whole crowd yelling Little Girl! Little Girl! By the Tim we got there, AJ was halfway up the stage walk. "Oh look who it is. The Little Girl and Her body guard!" AJ shot. "AJ. You're just jealous that I have him and you don't. " I shot back truthfully. "Oh.. am I, or is Phillip just dating you for the sex?!" She argued "At least. That's what Phil said." And with that, I broke down. I took off running. I ran to my dressing room and yelled "Liar!". I just ran into my bathroom and locked the door. I searched through the cabinets and found pills and a razor. Which one? I decided I needed to suffer. I took out the blade on the razor and made a deep incision on my wrist. I winced in pain. I stopped when the door knob jiggled. The door burst open. "What the fuck Cheyenne?!" Phil yelled. He picked me up. I was sobbing histerically. He tore a towel in half and tied it tightly around my wrist. He was crying.

Everything went black.

I woke up feeling warm. I was in a hospital. Phil was asleep in a hospital chair. He was holding my hand. Tear stains on his face. He moved. "Hey. Why would you scare me like this? I don't ever wanna lose you. Cheyenne, why? Why, would you do this to yourself?" He asked. "Phillip. I don't wanna talk about the past right now in a hospital bed. When can we go home?" I asked. "In a few. I have to go tell the doctors you're up." He replied.

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