Chapter 32 - Visionary

Start from the beginning

Tears gather in my eyes as I look down to the table with his words, feeling Stiles set his hand on my back reassuringly as Peter continues with the heartbreaking words "She was in too much pain, so she asked him desperately to take her pain away, to stop her suffering– he listened in the end, and gave her peace."

I feel the tears that had gathered in my eyes fall with those words. My heart breaks for the young Derek who was asked so much of him at such a young age.

I bunch my sweater over my hand and wipe the tears away as Stiles moves his hand over my back and Peter continues "I remember taking her body from his arms, to the woods, to a place where I knew that it would be found... another in a long line of Beacon Hills animal attacks"

"And what about Derek?" Cora asks through her own tears.

Peter looks grimly between us "Taking an innocent life takes... something from you as well, a bit of your soul... darkening it, dimming the once brilliant, golden yellow to a cold, steel blue– like mine" he shines his were-blues at us before taking a moment, then he leaves the room and heads back upstairs.


Not having been asked to leave, and not quite ready to go home, Stiles and I are sitting on the steps near the front door to the loft that story was a lot to take in

He's got his deep thinking face going strong for quite some time now, and I'm getting impatient waiting for him to bring up what he's thinking.

I shift on the step, nodding towards him as I lift my hand and gain his attention "Hey what's with the look on your face?"

Stiles jerks his head back and shrugs "What look?"

Cora walks by on her way to the couch muttering over her shoulder "The kind of look that makes me want to punch you."

She smiles softly at me as I chuckle and Stiles scoffs as he calls to her retreating back "For fucks sake, you are so Derek's sister. I forgot"

I chuckle again as he swings his eyes back to mine shaking his head.

I nod towards him again "Well, what's with the look Sherlock– what's on your mind because you look like it's going a mile a minute?"

Cora walks over to us as Stiles sighs and looks between us "I just don't believe him, Watson."

I shake my head, leaning forward slightly to rest my arms on my knees "I don't either– everything was making Derek out to be the bad guy."

Stiles nods and scoots closer to me on the step "Exactly– and it reminded me, you know how in Ms. Blake's class, we're reading Heart of Darkness, and it's in first person, right?"

I nod looking up to Cora who furrows her brows as I offer back to him "It's narrated by Marlow."

Stiles scratches his jaw before moving his hand out to his side with his words "The thing is that he's... he's an unreliable narrator. You know the details of it have changed, you know, just because of his perspective."

Cora shuffles her feet as she crosses her arms "Well, then we heard the story from Peter's perspective..."

Stiles turns his head towards her and nods "Right, and I don't think we got the whole story."

I make a noise gaining his attention again "So, what, are... are you just gonna ask Derek about the girl he fell in love with and then killed? Just so we can get the whole story?"

Stiles takes a moment before licking his lips and nodding "If I have to... yeah."


Stiles pulls into the driveway to drop me off at home and I grab my bag before I hop out of the jeep.

Closing the door I walk around to lean against the driver's side door as we watch Scott pull up and get off his bike.

I cross my arms over my chest as Scott shoves his helmet under one arm and walks over to the jeep as well.

I raise a brow at him once he comes to a stop in front of us "How'd dealing with the geriatric psycho go?"

Stiles snorts over my shoulder and Scott shakes his head through a chuckle "I'm sure he lied but he might have been telling the truth about some of it. He was at least truthful with his information on Druids. He told us about his meeting Deucalion requested back when Ennis and Kali had their own packs here."

We offer him nods and I clear my throat "Peter told us a similar story– said Deucalion was told by Deaton it wouldn't be smart to meet with Gerard."

He tilts his head to the side before he shrugs and continues "Gerard did say something interesting though– about how Deucalion lost his sight."

Stiles makes a noise and leans closer to the window "What does that mean– interesting how?"

Scott shakes his head "Gerard was the one who took away his sight, he shoved two of the light blaster arrows that Allison uses into his eyes– but he says Deucalion isn't always blind."

I furrow my brows looking between them "No way– he has his vision when he's wolfed out?"

Scott nods and Stiles offers a scoff "And we believe fucking Gerard?"

I shrug a shoulder looking back at him "Deaton might know for sure– if he was attacked at the meeting, Talia would have taken him to Deaton to look over his injuries."

They nod and Stiles elaborates with a sigh "Worth looking into at least– because if it's true..."

"It's a game changer" Scott and I finish his train of thought.

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