When I woke up in the morning I had to wake up my brother. If he was coming we needed to wake up early. And if I was waking him up early I needed to be prepared for his behavior and attitude. He threw a pillow and I ducked just in time. He looked evil, more than usual. I hope he won't be a grouch the whole time. This event was supposed to be fun.

I made him brush his teeth with me. I had to get ma to make him take a bath or shower. Eventually we eating breakfast, he was still grouchy. His face was less scary and more of a cute, mad face. If he heard that he would want to beat me up. But we both knew I would win if he tried. Maybe I would be nice and let him win.

After breakfast I went to the bathroom, just in case because I hate public restrooms. Then I had to force Peta to use the bathroom. It was a struggle since I was trying to give him privacy but also make sure he used it. Finally we were ready to go right on time. Ma kissed us goodbye and we left out the door with dad yawning behind.

I kind of wish I could drive that way my parents wouldn't have to worry about taking me places. Especially dad being in this condition. I made sure to keep having conversations with dad that he was interested in, to keep him up. Peta slowly was getting out of his grumpy mood and helped with talking loud, to keep dad awake. Eventually dad was fully awake and trying to sing to new mainstream music.

“Call me as soon as it's over.” Dad said while we got out of the car and I made sure I had the banner.

“Okay dad. Love ya, see ya later.” I replied back and closed the door before grabbing Peta's hand.

We walk into this building that I have never been to before. All I knew is this is where some wrestling matches would be. After a while of walking I met up with Diara and Caleb. They decided to come along with me, which I was very grateful for. And Peta was all over Diara, as soon as he saw her. I think he liked my lady friends a bit too much. Especially Bee, he has a nickname for her now.

“Aren't you such a cutie, guess I should have brought my siblings too.” Diara said smiling down at Peta as we walked through the building to find the room we were supposed to go in.

“Well I'm not jumping onto the bandwagon, my brother is a demon offspring.” Caleb says making me roll my eyes at him, before opening a room to find a good amount of people in it.

“Is this it?” Caleb asks quietly so only we can hear. He peeks into the room, causing Peta to peek into it also.

I peek in and catch a glimpse of hair that I've only seen Bee have. “Yeah, this is it.” I say taking a deep breath in before we walk in.

We went up many steps to get to look for a spot that has enough empty seats for all of us, and not too scattered around. Eventually we did find some seats, but they weren’t exactly side by side. Since they weren’t scattered it was good enough for us, as long as we were together somehow.

Peta took a seat that was below mine, sitting next to Caleb. I was a bit wary about it and just hoped Caleb wouldn't have to worry about Peta too much. Which he was right in my view and reach, so I probably could handle Peta still if I needed to. And Diara took the empty seat next to me. Now all the seats in our area was taken up.

I checked the time and glanced around. It was a bit shocking to see all these people here. I guess it would feel that way to me, since I don't usually go anywhere. Especially if it was school related. Well, there's always a first for everything. Not that it’s always a good thing.

Like now, I was nervous, I don't know why I just was. Maybe it was the way how there was so many people in this room. The room would seem huge I all the people didn't take up so much space. And if I could just see over these huge heads maybe-

“You okay?” Diara asks with a small frown.

“Yeah, sorry.” I say shaking my head gently.

“Want something to eat or drink? I see some people walking around selling hot dogs, popcorn, soda, adult drinks, and water.” Diara says naming things off, while craning her neck and so to look around.

“Uh, I don't have any cash on me...or really have cash at all that I can spend. Dad says I'm not allowed to spend my money.” I say laughing a bit.

“Oh? My mom says the same. But I can buy you something with my dad's money. He gives me money for food and other things. But usually I only spend some of the money that is for food. And no I'm not rich.” she says the last part while rolling her eyes, causing me to shake my head with a smile.

“Well, you don't have to worry about using your money on me.” I say as it looks like people are starting to settle down.

“I insist, at least a drink?” she suggests and I sigh in defeat.

“Alright, but only one.” I say making her grin.

“Oooh, buy me some soda and popcorn then.” Caleb says turning his head in our direction and Diara glares.

“Me too, me too!” Peta says looking back at us now excitedly.

“You don't need soda, you're already hyper.” I reply making him pout. “Sorry Diara.” I sighed.

“Noooo, don't be. I should have known if I offered something to one person I would have to offer something to others too.” she says patting my back and I nodded. “Popcorn dude and soda girl! I need you!” she yells pulling out some cash and waves it in the air.

I shook my head at her and sat back as the wrestling match was about to start. Peta so happened to change his mind about popcorn and wanted a hot dog instead. We eventually got our food and drinks. Which I said thank you and started the chain of thank yous from the boys.

The first match was with two people, one I knew from our school while the other I didn't know at all. Bex was nowhere in sight right now. So many heads were in the way of my view. Later on I started to get hungry and decided to steal popcorn from Caleb, which earned me multiple glares and grumbles from him.

I was getting kind of bored. Peta was enjoying himself, cheering on for whatever was going down there. As the person I am, I wouldn't normally be on my phone. But my boredom was getting to me, eventually I started reading on my phone. I needed some entertainment, Diara eventually did the same. I kind of started feeling bad about my friends coming along. Caleb would be into it one moment then the next he would be about to pass out.

“Karter.” I heard Diara say before I felt a hard nudge, making me look up from my phone glaring. “Look.” she says forcibly turning my head in the direction of the center, Bee was now about to start her match.

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Bee Sting | NaNoWriMo 2018Where stories live. Discover now