chapter 10

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Hinata was almost sad to leave the village of hot water but she was eager to see her family and friends. She had spent several hours days before shopping for her guest but the honeymoon week was obviously over and they needed to return to konohagakure. Hinata smiled at the humble hot spring they stayed at before Sasuke touched her shoulder. "We can return." She gave him a smile and a nod before he summoned his hawk to take them back to the leaf village. Hinata held on to him tightly as her hair danced in the wind and nose took in his scent. She had really enjoyed their alone time together and knew soon it would no longer be the two of them anymore. Sasuke was glad his wife was so content especially with being pregnant, he was amused by her new appetite and bold behavior. He hoped she wouldn't get too emotional during this time but he was sure he could handle Hinata. His mind wondered about being a father. He wasn't expecting to have children so soon but he didn't do anything to prevent having children so soon either. He knew he was to blame but he was somewhat happy to be becoming a father before any of his friends. He desperately wanted to be a good father and would prove he would be. Sasuke had many plans in mind of proving himself but they dated briefly when his wife snuggled into his back. He glanced at her glowing face her cheeks were a light pink color in her smile is small yet graceful. I close as if she was sleeping but she held on firmly to his shirt. He adored the sight of her. He didn't know what he would have done if creep will it hurt her just thinking about it made his blood boil. He let out a sigh to calm his nerves glancing back head. A ride a few yards away from the village gate not wanting to you draw too much attention to themselves. Sasuke would somewhat unsure of Hinata walking far distance but she assured him she would be fine and he couldn't argue with her when she smiled at him with her sweet smile. The village was still recovering from the hit took from the human-alien hybrid. The Hyuga Clan especially but it didn't stop the Noble Clan from going about their duties proudly. Hinata greeted her little sister happily but Hanabi being Hanabi immediately began touching and talking to her big sister's stomach. "I can't wait! I wonder if we'll have twin girls! That'd be so cool. They will love auntie Hanabi yes they will." Sasuke grew annoyed quickly and grabbed her wrist. "Stop it..." Hanabi jerked away and stuck her tongue out before her clan members came to drag Hinata away. Sasuke simply sighed before Ko touched his shoulder. "Worry not master. They only wish to check on the growing child." Sasuke gave simple nod but couldn't help worried alittle for his child as well. It's still very early anything could happen. He waited for hours with Ko Hyuga in a sitting room growing more agitated by each hour that ticked away. Ko simply keep quiet and drank his tea know how racked the Uchiha's nerves were.

Naruto worked his shifts at the orphanage, he found his own place in the happy yet humble place and the kids really seemed to enjoy his goofy behavior. He told the kids stories of his missions and adventures which gave them hope. Naruto is glad he found work and it was a job he was pretty decent at. He also knew it would come in handy when he and Sakura had children. He knew she would be a very caring strict mother and in turn he knew he would have to be the best father he could be. His mind lingered on it before getting distracted by the children, he laughed and played ninja with children something he couldn't do as a child and in a way it restored some of the memories he had lost out on as a child. Kabuto was happy to have the help giving him alittle more time with his family. Sakura stayed busy with all the new mother's and babies. She occasionally had a lunch with Ino and Karin. "I don't know how you don't have baby fever forehead. Having to deal with all of these moms and babies all day... Would make me want to have a baby more than I already do." Ino voiced as she sipped her tea. "Well it makes me not want to have children..." Karin scoffed, "they are so annoying." "Naruto and I want a family but logically speaking it would be a very bad time to have a child I mean we're both still trying to figure everything out." Sakura claimed deep down couldn't help but wonder how it would be to start a family with her baka of boyfriend. Sakura went back to work after her lunch break and saw a bouquet of freshly picked pink flowers on her desk. She smiled really Naruto had stopped by while she was out. He constantly showered her sweet gestures and affection. She knew if these group went the way she wanted and she would have ended up with Sasuke that he would never treat her like a narco does. It brought happy tears to her eyes before she wipe them away and went about her day. The hospital stated constantly busy and Sakura was glad when it was finally time for her to go home. Naruto was waiting for her and dinner prepared. She kissed his cheek and hug him tightly. Naruto of course return to the embrace but when she didn't let go right away he hugged her tighter. "Long day?" "I love you... I love you so very much. I'm so lucky to have you." She pulled away and kissed him again. "You are the best. Thank you... Thank you for all you do." Naruto couldn't help but give a goofy blush and rub his neck. "I love you too Sakura..." he felt completely flattered and somewhat awkward at her odd behavior but knew she meant what she said by the look in her green eyes did he adored so much.

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