Chapter 23: Choking On Pizza

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Needless to say, after three hours we had to strangle Wally with a butterfly net. It took another hour to catch him too. Damn speedsters.

By then he had nearly shouted it to the world and the whole team knew about 'us'. Honestly I was still getting my head around what I had done at the time.

I dragged Dick into the secluded training room, kissed him, told him I loved him, and tackled him to the floor saying I would be his girlfriend. Now I was pretty outspoken as a person, but man did I go forward in those couple of minutes. What happened to my stuttering?

Oh well, I guess I'm kind of thankful I got together enough courage to do that. After all, my new boyfriend is the guy I've had a crush on since I was eight. Wow, do you know how great it feels to say that sentence? It's amazing.

The girls dragged me off into the dark of night, asking me millions of questions, so I only got home really late. I didn't get to say goodnight to Dick or talk to him at all since we caught Wally so right now I'm trying to find him.

When I woke up this morning he was already out of the house and it was a Saturday so I assumed he went to the cave. I've been looking for him for the last ten minutes and I can't find him anywhere.

"You know, when he said you'd be here, I didn't think it would be this early." I heard from behind me. When I turned I saw a sleepy Connor, looking like he had just woken up.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed tiredly. He sat down at the kitchen island and rubbed his eyes.

"Sometime last night, Rob told me to tell you that if you come by he's at the 'Glowing Falls' or whatever that means." He said grumpily.

I immediately lit up, knowing exactly what he was talking about and ran out to the back door, waving back at Connor while running. I remember the luminescent cave like I had just been there yesterday and lucky for me, I remember the way there.


I landed outside of the cave and checked for anyone before I retracted my wings and detransformed out of my fairy form. It was almost like second nature now, but I remember the amazing feeling of transforming the first couple of times.

I entered the cave and worked my way through the spiky stalagmites on the way to the opening. While I was dodging around the protruding stones, I couldn't help but think of how these were nothing compared to the danger I faced in the last couple of years.

I mean, being on the brink of death for every day for three years is a scary, but after that I still managed to make trouble for myself. After all, I wouldn't be Fae if I didn't manage to screw mine or someone else's life up every now and then.

After the torture, it took me a little bit of time to think and recover from what had happened to me. For about three weeks I just adjusted to the rest of the world again and learnt how to be around people again.

It wasn't easy, and probably scarier than I'd like to admit, but it was a huge step that changed me for the better. For a long time I was a quite and stealthy nobody that roamed the streets at night just to remind myself of what Gotham was. I didn't know how to use illusions that well back then, so I stuck to the normal black hoodie and kept to myself. I sometimes miss the quite of back then, but I wouldn't give up the team for the world.

After the initial trauma was dealt with, I started with my training. It might be weird, but the G-gnomes had shown me how to train, eat, sleep and live a healthy life. I guess even if most of the things they taught me was random information, some of it was definitely worth being taught.

The Dark Fairy (Young Justice) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя