'It's a lovely day outside. Why don't we take this in the garden.'
Rex and Niko took off before Fauna could object. Reluctantly, she followed.

The potion took its effect a short while after Fauna took a gratuitous sip.
She yawned. 'I'm sorry boys, i just haven't slept much today.'

Of course she hadn't.
Edgar didn't know what was scarier; the fact that Fauna was a twisted killer or the fact that she was excellent at playing innocent.
In no time she laid on her book asleep.

'We should take her to her room. Help me Niko.'
And the young boy was all too eager to lend that helping hand.

'So about that drive? Still want to tag along? We'll be back before she wakes up.' He added the last part when he didn't like convinced.

He looked to Rex for an answer, even the dog wouldn't budge.
'Fine, they'll be ice cream involved.'

That had them doing a 360.

He picked Lily up at a mile marker far from the Manor.

'Edgar? Where are we going?'
The adorable eyes pierced his soul through the rear view mirror.
Lily cast a sleeping spell in Rex and Niko.

'Let's go, our ride is waiting on us.' She straightened her coat.


Rex growled chained to the wall of the basement beside Niko. The boy sobbed the whole time. Edgar hated that the boy was locked in a little cage, it was written all over his face.

'You've helped as much as you could. You don't have to stay.' Lily flipped through the pages of her grimoire.

'We're doing this together Lily. And if by some miracle we survive this, you and me are disappearing to the azure shores.'

Lily smiles loving the idea.
'Of course when this is all over.' What she meant to say is if this was all over and they survived.
Till then, she had other things to take care off, like the murder of a boy and his dog.

There wasn't a word from the demons, meaning no visitors for the time being.

'What is that for?' Edgar pointed at the silver stake she removed from her bag.

'Well Edgar, it's a silver stake.'
He scoffed at her stating the obvious.
But she should have known he'd ask more questions.

'Do you want to walk me through the entirety of the plan and not just what Mistress wants me to know.'
Lily refused to meet his probing stare.

'What, you don't trust me now? After everything we've been through?'
Bull, he had her.

'I'm to kill the boy before the father gets here.'
Edgar loudly cursed.

'I knew you wouldn't like it. You've grown attached to him.' Lily yelled.

'God Lily, he's just a kid, he's innocent.'

'And what were we when his family ruined our lives and countless others.' She countered, glaring at him.

'Murdering a Tchkovsky heir, Lily, a child. You don't want that on your conscience.

She slammed her book on the table.
'This is what the Mistress wants. And I'm doing it.'

'You do this. And you'll be marked for death. Tchkovsky blood stains, they made sure of that. Why do you think the Mistress herself isn't doing this.'
What Edgar was insinuating was preposterous.
The mistress would never sacrifice her like that.

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