I sit up straight too, crossing my own legs and face her letting her continue. I wanted to know how my father was before I was born... is he was sweet or a cruel like right now. Maybe something happened making him change? All these questions raised inside of me as I waited for older women continued, but she seems to be lost in her own mind.

I bring my hand to her face and wave making her snap out of her thoughts. She tried to give me one of her sweet smiles I was now used to seeing on her face... but she failed as the hurt was still visible in her eyes.

"Um, where did I finished," she cleared her throat with an awkward chuckle. "Right, love. We dated for a year through our senior year in high school... we were it couple, I wasn't a cheerleader and he wasn't a jock... but somehow everyone was happy to see us together. Anyway... we graduated together, chose the same university and got accepted, but in the summer before we would leave for college... I got pregnant... with you." She gives a smile who made my heart ache.

It was hurt mixed with love... the smile who held unbearable pain.

"My father wasn't really fond of your dad... he always thought I should date rich guys... who would able to keep up with my needs without a problem... your dad wasn't any of it... he was a sweet guy who had big dreams, well, until I got pregnant and my dad get to know. He... he made me make a deal with your father. William would raise a baby and in change would get a lot of money to start his own business... we didn't agree at first, but one even after another I was ready to give birth to you and... and I agreed. I would leave for London and your dad got to keep you."

My heart sank as I noticed a single tear escaping her now light green eyes and I Didn't know what to do else so I push her inside my arms trying to drink all pain of hers. It was my fault... I cause her all of this pain...

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." I whispered in her hair and I can feel my own tears trying to spill from my eyes, but I tried to keep them inside of me only making my own eyes burn with pain. "I'm sorry that I caused all of thi-,"

"No, don't you dare to blame yourself... you were just a baby, but never a mistake... do you understand that?" She snapped pushing away, but still holding her hands on my shoulders. Her eyes bored at mines, but I still shook the head at hers.

"But, if I wasn't been born... it wouldn't happen all of this... all this pain, dad would be the same sweet guy you're talking about... all of this would be better." I rambled letting my own tears fall.

"No... honey, never think this way... I don't care about the past and all the pain... or how I was missing you all this time." She pushed my brown hair out of my face and with her thumb wiped tears who were able to escape my eyes. "All matters... that I'm here, with you right now."

Soon we both calmed down falling into silence just enjoying each other company. She started telling more lighter about her and my dad... how he was an awkward guy who always was scared to talk with a girl... apparently, he was the sweetest guy she met, but somehow she managed to get under his skin making both of them argue like cat and dog.

It was strange to hear my dad being a sweet guy. I always saw him like a confident, cruel man who was able to get what he wasn't just with a snap of his finger. He was harsh, never held fear in his eyes and doing something morally questionable... was just like drinking milk. Simple.

She told me that she would always get a picture of me and told me that she would always send a gift on my birthday, but my dad would say it was from him so my grandfather wouldn't know she keeps in touch with my father. Apparently, they still are good friends, but she doesn't think she would able to fall in love with him again.

But a year ago, when my grandfather got ill with cancer... she flowed from a London in New York and was taking her of Enrique. She told me that illness changes him and wanted to meet me, but somehow he didn't as he changed his mind, but that didn't stop him for creating a new will and leaving his money and company as a sorry for me.

"So... are you going to tell me why do you need an escape?" Elisabeth asked after we finally fell into a comfortable silence as we both watched sun setting down.

My heart made a flip as a thought I was trying hard to suppress bolted out of their little boxed making me trembled in pain and all feeling I'm trying to forget. My throat went dry as I again one more time thought about the blue-eyed devil. I Still didn't want to talk, but maybe talking it's for a better. I never really had a person to talk about my feeling of getting heartbroken.

Of course, there's always Sophie, my best friends who I talked about everything. She was good at listening to my rants about dad being unfair, but she never got her heartbroken... she never really understood how to feel like your heart being ripped opens out of your chest. So I never talked with her about Elliot. He was like a taboo to talk. Out of our talking topics.

"Did you had a fight with your... girlfriend?" She asked making my head snap at her side and I thought my neck would break.

"What girlfriend?" I asked opening eyes wider as my heart picked up speed.

"That girl... I saw you kissing, with dark hair and blue eyes."

"She's not my girlfriend." I snapped harshly as the pit in my stomach start rising. My mouth filled with bittersweet taste as I thought about girlfriend word. I wish, but I know I was never and never would be her girlfriend.

"So... who is she?" The older woman asked with her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Um, my bodyguard?" I gulped the heaviness in my chest as the words left my mouth. Why do I have to talk before I think? She doesn't need to know about my relationship with my bodyguard.

Elisabeth didn't say anything so I didn't comment anything to not finding any point to explain why I was sleeping with a person I shouldn't. The reason I don't even know myself. Maybe it's a fact that she's making me feel something I never thought I could. Maybe it's a fact that she makes forget, feel safe from all problems and fears. She makes me feel... me. However, I still don't know the reason to like her.

It was a pointless agreement anyway.

You can't continue to sleep with a person you spent 24/7 and don't develop any kind of feeling.

It's fucking stupid for me to agree at the first hand.

I looked at the horizontal line where the sun was early hidden, but still painting the sky with beautiful orange mixed with purple... the reflection at the lake was making everything more beautiful. I don't know how I would be able to leave this place... but I know someday I need to leave, not someday, but tomorrow.

My graduation is on Saturday and now it's Monday... I still have a whole week, but I need to prepare for my new life chapter, where I take a step into the adult world and have to live from the money I earn on my own. Well, if we don't count billions of dollars in my bank account... my dad and Elisabeth without talking with me created a completely new bank account where they place the whole money I got from my lovely grandpa.

I still can't accept the fact that I am more than rich.

"You know... if you like her, you should just tell her that. You never know how she feels about you if you never talk about your own feelings." Elisabeth said cutting my thought short.

"Easy to say, then do." I scoffed and let out a bitter chuckle at the end.

She quirked her eyebrows. "Why not?"

I shook head with a bitter smile crossing my lips as I stood up from the lounge bed I was laying and fixed my red bathing suit. "It doesn't matter now... it's over before it could even start. I'm going to pack... I'm leaving in the morning." 

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