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"Good morning, professor Dumbledore." the class chanted.

"There's no need to be so polite." he said as he chuckled.

"Today, we're going to be practicing on vanishing spells. I recommend that you start with snails first---they're invertebrates and are therefore easier."he said.

"Young H-Jasmine, you look troubled." said a voice behind Jasmine.

"Oh yes, sir, I'm having trouble with the snail. I fail to vanish it's shell every time I try. Can you help me with it, professor?"

"Ah yes, of course. You just have to flick your wand like this(he showed Jasmine), but surely, is the problem of not being able to vanish snails the only thing that's troubling you?"

"Yes, sir." she lied.

Dumbledore sighed. He, of course, had not been confunded by Marie. He knew perfectly well that Jasmine was actually Hazel, the girl who used to be the best in everything until her mother discovered that she had a boyfriend. He could not stand knowing but not telling her. He took a deep breath and said, "Hmm... let me guess. Did you hear anything unusual when you were in Professor Prince's classroom yesterday?"

Jasmine jumped. "How do you know?" she asked at once.

Dumbledore paused. He was not sure if he should tell her or not. If he told her, she might think he's insane and would never listen to him again. If that happened, he would break his promise to Sammy Valdez because he would then fail to bring Hazel back to him. But then, even if she believed him, what good would that do? Mind's which have been obliviated are beyond repair...

"Sir, are you okay?" one of his students asked, bringing him back to the reality. "Well, of course I am." he said distractedly. He'd been staring at Jasmine for two minutes.

The rest of the lesson passed without any special incidents. Jasmine, however, was really confused. When she was walking back to the Gryffindor tower, she was so distracted that she forgot there was a trick staircase and ended up getting trapped. Fortunately, Amanda seized her foot out before the Slytherins came running to see who'd been trapped. Jasmine wanted to say thank you, but the words just wouldn't come out. Prince might just be trying to destroy her relationship with Amanda, but Dumbledore too? What if Amanda actually knew something and wasn't telling her?

She then started questioning her identity. Who was she actually? Where and when was she born? Jasmine tried to recall her memory, but only bits and pieces which didn't make sense as all came to her mind.

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