Professor Prince

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(No one's pov)

Hazel had just had her memory modified, and after drinking a potion, she now believed that she was called Jasmine Dursley and had a sister called Amanda Dursley who ,like her, went to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

It was Saturday, and Jasmine(Hazel) was sitting in the Gryffindor common room with her 'sister' , Amanda. Amanda now seemed like she was merely staring out at the sky, but in the reality, she was communicating with Jasmine's(Hazel's) real mother, Marie Levesque via the two-way mirror hung on the opposite building .

"Her memory's been modified, my lady. She truly believes she's my sister." said Amanda in a barely audible whisper.

"What a surprise. I never thought filthy little mudbloods like you would succeed. I will continue covering up for you, you know, making your parents believe that you're a muggle and whatnot. Nasty little brats, those muggles."

"What about the teachers? They can't possibly believe she's a third year since they've never taught her before, can they?"

"Fool. You heard Professor Prince. He asked you where Jasmine was, meaning that he believes she's his student. A---"

However, her words were cut short by Jasmine's(Hazel's) curious voice. "Why are you looking at the sky?" she asked.

"Nothing. I was just wondering if the prophet's arriving or not." she lied.

"Isn't it called the wizards' voice or something?" Jasmine(Hazel) said, straining her memory.

"What?" Amanda said, startled.

"I don't know, but that just came to my mind." Jasmine said.

Amanda now decided it was time to pull the conversation away from dangerous waters. "It's sunny today. Why don't we play quidditch?" she said hastily.

"But I might not know how to fly. I can't remember having flying lessons."Jasmine(Hazel) said in small voice.

"Don't worry, you've had flying lessons in your first year, and I'm sure you were able to back then ." Amanda said reassuringly.

And so they walked to the quidditch pitch. Jasmine(Hazel) had a weird feeling that she'd been to a place like this , and for a second, she saw herself holding a quidditch cup. "Amanda, I think I've been here before."she said.

"Of course you have, silly. You had your flying lessons here." she said soothingly.

"But I saw myself holding the quidditch cup." said Jasmine(Hazel) suddenly.

Amanda froze. What if she remembered? I had to talk to Marie Levesque in private, she thought. "Why don't you wait her while I get you a better broomstick?"she said, examining the battered comet two sixty. "Sure."Jasmine(Hazel) replied, and Amanda dashed off. Once she was back in the common room, she looked outside to the window.

"Marie Levesque." she said clearly.

"My lady, she remembers."

"The cup is nothing. I believe I have cast enough spells. She will never remember him or the place we used to live in."

However, Amanda didn't sound convinced. "It could possibly go wrong. True love can be unpredictable, you know."

"Do not say it's true love! It is most disgusting that my daughter fell for that mudblood, and I still couldn't throw his filthy photos away from my house!"

"Maybe I can help you, my lady."

"I do not need help from a mudblood! By the way, I think someone's coming from your side."

"Who?" she asked. Her question, however was not answered by Marie Levesque, but by a furious-looking Professor Prince. "Let's see, Dursley, with whom have you been communicating?" he asked, sneering. "Is it your dear Marie Levesque? She's been covering up your non-muggle behaviors, hasn't she? Let me tell you something, Dursley, her job's not that difficult. You are definitely a muggle."

"So it's you."Amanda said calmly. "I was trying to get our firebolts. My sister's waiting for me down there and I had to hurry. I have no idea what you're talking about and haven't got time to listen to you."she said dismissively. And without a word, she set off to the quidditch pitch.

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