Chapter 11: Dinner at Levi's

Start from the beginning


Eren chuckled lightly, "sorry," he said.


"Don't say sorry you idiot, you didn't do anything wrong," Levi chuckled.


Eren chewed his lip and chuckled "okay.." (Maybe okay will be our always... I just had to say it...)


Levi smirked, then turned his face back to normal.

"Are you done eating because I am," he said picking up his now empty plate and putting it in the sink.


Eren blushed lightly and nodded standing up with his plate.

"Yeah I'm done. Uh thanks for dinner..." he said and scratched the back of his head.


"You're welcome," Levi said taking Eren's plate and put it in the sink. Levi then grabbed a sponge and started to wash the dishes.


Eren smiled softly and walked up next to him, "want me to dry them?"


"Uh, sure," Levi said passing a towel and a plate to him.


Eren took the towel and a plate then began to dry whatever Levi washed and put it on the drain board.


Levi finished cleaning the last plate and handed it to Eren.

"You know, you didn't have to help," he said.


Eren smiled and looked over at him, "I wanted to," he said happily and put the plate down once he dried it.


"Geez, Eren, you're such a brat," Levi said giving Eren a peck on the lips.


Eren scoffed playfully and poked his chest, "what I'm a brat for helping you with your dirty dishes? Man I'm offended," he said dramatically and covered his heart with his hand in offense.


"Yes," Levi said poking him back.


Eren chuckled and looked down at him, "I'm almost 18 I ain't no brat" he grinned.


"You don't know that," Levi said looking up at Eren.


"How can I not know that if I am me?" Eren said while tilting his head.


"How can you know that if you are you?" Levi asked.


"Because I am me, I ought to know if I myself am a brat in which I am not one because I am me and I know myself," Eren said plainly. (I don't even know *tries to process*)


"What," Levi said giving up trying to understand exactly what Eren was saying.


Eren grinned proudly and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Exactly," he said.


"What?" Levi asked still confused as ever.


Eren rolled his eyes, "I said I wasn't a brat," he explained.


"Oh," Levi said, embarrassed he didn't understand.


Eren chuckled and shook his head, "yeah."


"Uh, yeah," Levi said scratching his head awkwardly.


Eren smiled in amusement and leaned down kissing Levi on the cheek quickly.


Levi slightly blushed and looked up at Eren, kissing him on the cheek quickly like he did to him just a few moments ago.


Eren blushed lightly and smiled.
"Heheh," he chuckled softly and laid his forehead to Levi's.

"Maybe those horrible visions in our heads will be of good stuff from now on," he said.


"Maybe," Levi said looking into Eren's ocean blue eyes.


Eren smiled slightly and hummed. "It would be good for once... Y'know?"


"Yeah, it would," Levi said smiling slightly.


Eren smiled softly and blushed a bit.


Levi put his arms around Eren's waist and hugged him, burying his face in his chest.


Eren smiled and nuzzled into his hair with a small hum.

"I love you..." he murmured against the black locks.


"I love you too, brat," Levi said smirking.


Eren smiled and blushed a bit, arms tightening around his waist.


They cuddled there for some time, like it was only them in the universe.


Eren smiled softly and pulled away a while later. He looked down at him with a love sick smile and laid his forehead to his.

"Maybe it's time for me to go before I end up completely crushing you from hugs," he said.


"Oh, okay," Levi said a little disappointed.

He gave Eren one last peck on the lips before he would leave.


Eren smiled slightly and kissed him back before heading to the door. He grabbed his jacket with a hum and looked back at him.


Levi automatically ran over to him and gave him one last hug, before opening the door for him.


Eren chuckled and smiled, kissing him again.

"You're so affectionate," he said quietly.


Levi pouted.

"No I'm not," he said crossing his arms playfully.


"Yeah you are~ very affectionate. But I like it," Eren said and kissed him again.

Something was telling him he was going to forget to leave.

Welp, another chapter. ~Kaniss25

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