Chapter 4: A Planned Meeting?

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Chapter song: Satellite - Tritonal ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn (Nightcored by Sanuksanan)

Eren sighed quietly and headed off to the park, hair clinging to his face and arms around himself tightly. That one dream stuck out too much... Him and the man making love, then the next thing is the man killing him. He shuttered heavily and looked down as he ran into the park.

He chewed his quivering, lower lip and sniffled, from holding back sobs, and then the cold air. He was so confused, he didn't even notice the man on the swings a few yards ahead of him, making him stop in his tracks.

"Oh fuck why?!! Why him and why now!?" he thought to himself.


Levi turned his head, hearing footsteps, then seeing the green-eyed boy, he turned back around so he couldn't face him. He had a flashback of the green-eyed boy smiling at him.

Levi shook his head trying to get rid of the image, but it couldn't get out of his mind.

"What the hell?!" he thought, shaking his head more, trying to get the damn image out of his head.

"WHY THE FUCK WON'T THE IMAGE GO AWAY?" Levi accidentally yelled out loud.

"Oh shit, he probably heard me," he whispered.


Eren swallowed and stepped away quickly.

"Shit fuck..." he muttered to himself.

He turned and ran off away to the trees by the pond. He wiped his eyes furiously in attempt to get the tears away. He wasnt sure what was going on.

"Was that man having images..?" Eren thought as he sat down on the wet and muddy grass below him, pulling his knees to his chest, eyes wide as he stared at the rippling water.

He was tempted to ask him... If his name was Levi. Like from his dreams...


Levi got off the swing and looked around, seeing that the boy ran away. Sighing, he put his hands in his pockets.

"I'll just go for a little walk around the pond then head straight home to get rid of this dirtiness," he thought, walking towards the pond.


Eren bit his lower lip and stared at his knees before laying his head on his knees.

"Shit..." he muttered and sniffled.

"Those fucking images ..." he cursed.


Levi went over to the lake staring at the water, then having a flashback of a day that he and the green-eyed boy were in the shower together.

"What the fuck?!" he thought before he slipped, falling into the pond.

Woo another chapter. *AoT salute* ~Kaniss25

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